Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Megohime looked extremely pale. "This is only amusing to you because you aren't being cut open!" She said, looking up at Masamune with wide eyes.
"Just relax, Tamura-dono, I've done this hundreds of times." He assured her as he worked on getting the baby out of Megohime

((Ne~ did you know that when a C-Section is preformed, the put up the screen so you dont see them pull out your intestines and have you puke everywhere~~))

Megohime closed her eyes and restrained herself from looking at what they were doing, counting slowly in her head.
((Oh yees~~))

After a little while, the doctor pulled the baby free and cut the umbilical chord, grinning behind his mask when the child began crying, "Congratulations, it looks like a healthy little girl." He said. Masamune smiled softly, "She's got a good set of lungs on her." He said. They cleaned her off and gave her to Megohime while they fixed her up and stitched her closed
Megohime held her daughter, looking at the small newborn with teary eyes. "She's beautiful." She said, nuzzling her child gently.
Masamune chuckled and kissed her cheek. "Sumimasen...we need to take her now to give a physical to make sure she's you have a name?" The nurse asked. Masamune glanced at Megohime, hoping she already had a name picked out
The nurse smiled and gently took Irohahime to check her health. The doctor moved over to give Megohime a morphine drip, "This will help you relax, Tamura-dono.."
Megohime nodded, closing her eyes to relax, starting to feel heavy, and after a couple of minutes, she was asleep.

((Tiny skip~))

The next day, Megohime had woken up early that morning, in pain, holding her stitching and curling into a ball. "It burns.." She hissed through her teeth.
Masamune came back with the doctor and he upped her morphine before checking her stitches, "Nothing seems to be wrong but its normal for there to be pain the first few days of healing...when we discharge you, we'll give you a small perscription of pain killers."
She nodded, pulling her blankets up further. After she was discharged and they were allowed to go home, where Megohime rested in bed so she wouldn't open her stitches, laying in the dark room on her meds, staring up at the ceiling with glazed eyes.
Megohime didn't respond at first but then she shifted and looked to Masamune. "Is he now?" She asked, a bit sluggish.
Megohime smiled softly. "That's good." She said with a soft yawn, checking on her stitches, which were healing nicely.
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