Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"One..." She muttered, then giggled softly. "But I took another because it didn't work fast enough." She held up two fingers, wiggling them and laughing.
Megohime frowned and nodded, looking up at him with sad eyes. "Gomenasai... I promise I won't do it again..."
As soon as Masamune left, Megohime fell asleep, the pills knocking her out and sending her into a long, dreamless sleep.
Hidemune looked up when Masamune came in, "How is she?" "She's well enough, I guess..." Masamune answered, "How's Iroh?" "Adorable as hell...~!" Hidemune nuzzled the newborn happily
Hidemune smiled softly, "Hi...! I can't wait until you get older, then you can follow me around and call me Nii-sama..." "Hidemune. Chores." Masamune stated. Hidemune smiled nervously and gave Irohahime to him, "H-Hai! Gomen, Otou-sama...!" He scurried off and Masamune shook his head
The infant squealed and grinned a toothless grin up at Masamune upon hearing his voice, reaching up to grab at him.
((Well, I was thinkin' of doin' it after Mego was done bein' a druggie xD but we ca do it now!))

Masamune kissed her head, smiling softly
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