Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"I-Its all my fault...! I should have let you handle the situation...! Th-Then we would still have our baby...! Baka!!" She reached to claw at her wrists but stopped, holding Yukimura's hands tight instead
Yukimura took her newly stitched wrists and kissed each one gently. "We'll just have to try again.. Won't we?"
"Daisuki..." He said and kissed her head.


Megohime whined, gripping Masamune's hand as another contraction hit her, making her tense up and hiss through her teeth. "Fuck this hurts.." She groaned. "This is all your fault."
"I know." Masamune said, letting her death grip his hand, "I'm an asshole. I'm not allowed to have sex with you again, I ruined you life; I've heard this before, Mego."
"You're damn right!" She ground out, letting out a small scream of pain. "Is it time yet?" She asked the doctor, looking to be in immense pain.
"Not yet, you aren't fully dialated." "Oh, please tell me its soon." Masamune said. The doctor nodded, "Should be anytime now." The doctor answered
Megohime ground her teeth, whining and keeping a tight grip on his hand for support and to hopefully cause him a little bit of pain. "Is it supposed to hurt this much?" She asked, looking a bit ashen.
"Unfortunately, yes. We can't give you any medication in fear of harming the baby. But you're doing very good, Tamura-dono! Soon, we'll deliever a healthy boy or girl and you can relax." He told her. Masamune looked really bored as he held Megohime's hand; he had gone through the same thing with Iisaka so Megohime's screaming and cursig was more irritating than anything.
Megohime nodded and breathed out through her nose, pain shooting through her abdomen and making her shift uncomfortably and groan weakly.
Masamune watched her. She wasn't Iisaka though; she didn't toy with him like Iisaka did, didn't sleep around and betray him like Iisaka did, didn't lie to him like Iisaka did. And, unlike Iisaka, he actually loved Megohime. He smiled faintly and moved closer, "Hey," He kissed her head and gave her hand a squeeze, "Yer doin' great, Mego...not much longer now, then you'll be done." He told her gently
Megohime nodded, tears welling up in her eyes as another contraction hit her, making her cry out in pain. "Fuck..!" She hissed, just wishing she could birth the child now and be done with it.

((So, how are they gonna decide she's gonna have a C-section?))
((Rike dhis!))

The nurse moved over and gently felt Megohime's stomach. "The fuck are you doin'?" Masamune asked. The nurse smiled, "Just making sure the baby is still in proper position for birth, Masamune-sama." She answered. She then made a face, feeling around more, "Oh..." "What?" Masamune asked. The nurse bit her lip, "We need to preform an emergency C-Section." "Why?!" Masamune barked
Megohime looked at the nurse with worried eyes. "What's wrong with my baby..?" She asked, then groaning. "She really wants out now..!"
"Th-The baby seems to have turned and is now Breach." "What's Breach?" Masamune asked. "The baby wants to come out feet first instead of head first." She answered. The doctor moved over and gently moved Megohime on to her side, "Alright, Tamura-dono, we're going to give an Epidural; its a shot into tour spine to numb you from the waist down, there will be no harm to the baby." He said, spraying some numbin spray before pushing a thick needle into Megohime's spine and injecting a strong anesthetic, gently helping her onto her back again
Megohime winced when he injected the needle, even with the numbing agent. "Will the breach hurt the baby?" She asked, looking from the doctor to the nurse as they worked, her feet starting to feel numb.
"Its very unsafe to deliever a baby feet first; there's a risk of injury to the baby." The doctor said. "With a C-Section, we cut just above the womb and remove the baby the safest way possible." The nurse said. The doctor put on a mask and laid Megohime's legs down as the nurse put a screen over Megohime's chest. Masamune kept a firm hold on Mego's hand.
Megohime stared up at the ceiling, eyes darting back and forth as she tried to see what they were doing, a bit of panic making her fidget.
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