Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

((Tiny skip~~))

When Akihime was discharged and was returned home, she locked herself in her room; refusing to leave for anyone. She just sat in the darkness of her room, starring at the far wall with dull eyes
Yukimura held a plate of food, knocking on Akihime's door, his own eyes dull. "Akihime? You need to eat... You haven't eaten since you got home from the hospital."
Yukimura clenched his fist. "Please... I can't... I can't lose you as well..." He said, shoulders slumping and his voice weak with defeat.
((Oh, he's definately gonna freak out then...))

"Gomen....Yukimura-sama...." Her voice trailed off and there was a thud before deathly silence
"Akihime..?" His eyes widened and he dropped the plate of food, trying to open the door. "Open this door! Akihime!" When she didn't respond at all he started to panic, slamming into the door until it broke open, rushing inside.

(( D: ))
Akihime laid on the floor, deep cuts along her wrists with a bloody dagger just inches from her hand. Blood pooled under her arm steadily as she laid motionless on the ground, chest barely moving with her faint breathing.

(( (・・;) I love you.))
Yukimura near just about had a heart attack, rushing over to her and grabbing her shoulders. The next few moments where almost like he was out of his own body, watching himself scream for her to get up and stop joking around, tears streaming down his cheeks as Amaya ran into the room with Sasuke, trying to pull Akihime away from him so she could get her to the doctor.

((You nevver lovved me Nep! And that reminds me of Mego's nasty little habit~ But after the baby~))
Sasuke pulled Yukimura away from Akihime, holding him back when he struggled. "Take Akihime to the healer, now!" He ordered Amaya, practically sitting on Yukimura to keep him from grapplig onto Akihime

((Ooooooh Masamune gon' be piiiiiiiissed...! He might evven kick her out for a couple days...!))
((It may be a small drug addiction actually~~ :> I dunno yet~~ Iloveyou.))

Amaya picked up Akihime and hurried out of the room to the healer. Yukimura was screaming at this point, trying to throw Sasuke off. He looked so broken and defeated, bags under his dull eyes, he even looked to have lost weight. "Get off of me!" He snarled at Sasuke, blood covering his hands, smearing the pool of blood around the white tile floor as he struggled.
Yukimura's vision was blurred from his tears, looking at his shaking bloody hands. He held his face and cried, losing his child and seeing his lover with her wrists slashed open was to much for him.

((He's totally gonna be mentally unstable~))
Yukimura went limp under Sasuke, not struggle anymore, staring at his bloody hand and slowly moving his fingers, eyes glassy and tears streaming down his face silently, no longer crying loudly, he laid still.
Yukimura didn't respond, he simply kept staring at his bloody hand, moving his fingers slowly. His eyes were dull and half lidded, his mouth open slightly. He looked broken, completely crushed and destroyed, like a child who had just lost both parents.

Sasuke frowned and stood, helping Yukimura up, "Come on, Boss, let's go sit in the bath house for a bit..." He said, "Sound good...?"
Yukimura only gave a weak nod, still staring at his hand, numbly following Sasuke as he led him to the bath house, trudging the entire way with slouched shoulders.
Sasuke rubbed Yukimura's shoulders assuringly as he led him along, taking him into the bath house, "Go get ready to soak, Boss, I'll stay in here with you..."
Yukimura slowly stripped his clothes off, letting them fall to the floor as he got into the water, staring ahead at the wall blankly, still holding his bloody hand out of the water.
((Uh...? *mimics Yukimura awkwardly*))

Sasuke sat with him, frowning heavily, "It'll be ok, Boss...we got to her in time...she'll be ok..."
((He doesn't wanna wash the blood from his hand because in his messed up little mind she's dead and that's all that he has left of her~ He's gonna think Akihime is just a hallucination~))

"She's dead..." Yukimura said slowly, sounding like he was half asleep. "She's dead... And so is my child... And I killed them.."
"I did... It's my fault they're gone... I loved her... I was going to be a father... And I killed them both." He murmured.
"Boss, don't beat yourself up for something you couldn't control. Come on, let's wash the blood off your hand..." Sasuke reached out to take Yukimura's wrist gently
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