Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Yukimura drove as fast as he could, gripping the steering wheel so tight his knuckles turned white. It didn't take him long to get there, parking and getting out, looking for Akihime and her kidnappers.
"Sanada Yukimura-san!" "Yukimura-sama!" A man with long ginger hair and brown eyes moved over, pushing Akihime in front of him as he held her arm tight. "So glad you came after all! My name is Momotaro and I was very close business partners with Shima Sakon."
"To get you to come out from the safety of your home. I have to repay you for what you've done to Shima." He stated. Akihime stepped on his foot and elbowed him in the ribs, forcing him to let her go. She ran to Yukimura and Momotarou pointed his gun, shooting her twice in the back. Her eyes widened and she dropped, hitting the ground hard

((Oh, he dead.))
Yukimura's eyes went wide and he drew his guns emptying both of them on Momotarou, a buzzing in his ears as he holstered the guns and ran to Akihime, hands trembling as he picked her up carefully. "A-Akihime..?"
Yukimura held her against his chest as he stood and hurried to the car, setting her in the passengers side and getting in, driving off so fast the tires smoked. He arrived at the hospital in no time and hurried inside, holding her gently. "I need help! She's been shot!" He said as he entered the ER. "She's pregnant!"
((Damn, he don' give a fuck, he be like "bitches, help her, she gon' dai!" XD ))

The doctors took Akihime and pushed Yukimura out, telling him that they would take care of her
((Well she is carrying his child~))

Yukimura looked like he was going to have a panic attack. "She's pregnant with my child, y-you have to save them both..!"
Yukimura was on his feet in an instant, following the doctor to Anihime's room. "Akihime..?" He moved over, a frown on his face.
Yukimura frowned heavily, petting her cheek with his thumb. "Don't apologize.. I'm just glad you're safe.." He said, kissing her forehead, though he looked rather worried.
Yukimura nodded, looking to the doctor and waiting for him to give his report, holding Akihime's hand tightly.
"We were able to remove the bullets easily. She lost a considerable amount of blood..." "Wh-What about my baby...?" Akihime asked weakly. The doctor frowned and flipped a page on his clipboard, "Because you lost so much blood and the locations of your wounds..." He stopped and Akihime's blood ran cold, "You miscarried, Akihime-dono...I'm so sorry we couldn't save you both..." He said. Akihime's eyes widened and tears spilled heavily down her cheeks, "M...Miscarried...?"
Yukimura heard a buzzing in his ears, staring at the doctor, feeling his heart break. "Th-There was no way... To save it..?"
"I'm so sorry..." He said softly, lowering his head, "We did all we could." Akihime began to tremble hard, "! My baby!" She broke down into hysterics and hid her face in Yukimura's chest.
Yukimura held her numbly, trembling hard himself as he held Akihime close, his mind blank. His son or daughter was dead and it was his fault. All of this was his fault.
Yukimura didn't know what to say. Shame and sorrow weighed heavily on his heart and made him a loss for words. He pet her hair, feeling tears sting at his eyes.
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