Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Amaya opened the door and entered, closing the door behind her and moving inside the room, turning on the light. "What's going on..?"
She nodded and put her hand on Akihime's shoulder before standing, going to get Yukimura from the training room, which didn't take long at all. The door opened and Yukimura entered, Amaya following him into the room. "Akihime..?" He asked. "What's going on?"
Amaya shuffled her feet awkwardly and silently left, looking uncomfortable. Yukimura didn't even notice, he moved over and kneeled before her on the ground , wrapping his arms around her shoulders and pulling her closer, holding her tightly against his chest.
Akihime let him hold her, looking a little confused, "You aren't...upset...? I thought for sure that our work, you would demand I terminate it...."
"I don't believe in killing the innocent... And the most I can demand of you now is that you don't go on any more missions." He said softly.
"Hai...." She muttered. She kept her gaze away from him, "I'm going to go for a walk...I need some air..." She told him and kissed his cheek before getting up and moving to the door
((°^° If she gets hurt Yukimura will get shot.))

Yukimura frowned heavily, watching her leave before sighing heavily and running his hands through his hair.
((He can't get shot, who will take Aki to the hospital after the halfway point of my plan?))

Akihime left the estate and walked down the street, heading into town to just get a breather. She was lost in thought; not knowing if she should tell Yukimura about the mysterious man that was with her at the hospital. She gasped when she was grabbed and yanked into a car, the vehical burning rubbed down the street
The Takeda household phone rang and Sasuke answered, "Takeda Household." He greeted. His eyes widened and he covered the mouth piece, "BOSS!!"
Yukimura pulled out an earplug, having been in the firing range. He stood and set down his guns before moving over to the phone and picking it up. "Moshi moshi..?"
Yukimura's eyes widened, gripping the phone so hard it cracked. "Who is this?" He asked calmly, though on the inside he was a mess.
Yukimura hung up, moving over to his guns and checking the ammo before heading to the garage, not bothering telling Sasuke where he was going, getting into the car.
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