Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"C'mon. You should head back to your room, rest. We'll train more tomorrow." He said, standing and holding his hand out for her so he could help her up.
"H...Hai..." She nodded and took his hand, "I-I was wondering...if there was somewhere I could bathe...?" She asked as she stood
Yukimura led Akihime inside and down the halls to a door, opening it and flicking on the light. "You're safe here." He said, his brown eyes soft.

((Time for some fighting and torture~?))

Akihime looked to him and blushed at his gentleness that he seemed to enjoy showing her, "Yukimura-sama...? Wh-What do you mean...?"
"No one will ever hurt you like that again." He said softly.


Jingu loaded her gun, getting ready to head in for her hit. She frowned, recalling her targets face, making her blush. The large scar on his cheek, the rugged look on his face. She shook her head to clear her thoughts, slinging her gun over her back and looking outside. The sun was setting slowly, as soon as night fell she'd get started on her job.
"Yukimura-sama..." She breathed. She wanted to kiss him; to move close to him and love him and be loved in return like in one of her old fairy tails. She lowered her gaze and nodded, "Arigatou, Yukimura-sama...for everything..." She moved into the bathroom shyly and started to close the door, "I'll talk to you later..." She smiled softly

Kojurou was tending to his secret vegetable garden, making sure they were watered and weeded before he went inside to start dinner for Masasmune.
Yukimura nodded, turning and heading off to his room to clean his guns.

As soon as night came, Jingu climbed the fence, dropping down onto the ground and hurrying into the dark of the shadows. Most of the house was pretty dark, but she saw movement and light in what appeared to be the kitchen. She hurried to a window, pushing it open and hoisting herself inside, looking around she saw no one, so she turned and closed the window, treading lightly to the door.
((*ditches Yukimura and Akihime for now to focus on torture*))

Kojurou gathered the veggies from his garden, carrying them inside so he could prepare dinner. He sighed softly, hoping Masamune wouldn't be picky again
Jingu cracked the door and stuck the barrel of her gun through the space, watching Kojurou with a soft frown. She aimed at Kojuou when he turned his back to her and placed her finger on the trigger. Suddenly a growl erupted from behind her and a dog let out a series of loud, angry barks. Jingu's eyes widened and she swung her gun, slamming the butt of her gun into the dogs head, making it yelp and fall. Panic rose in her chest and she turned to aim again, this was her last chance. Hopefully she wasn't to slow with disposing the dog.
Kojurou was heading to the door to investigate, "Sabu?" He called. But, it wasn't Kojurou Jingu had to deal with next. Oh, no, not even close. "Who the hell are you and what the fuck did you do to my dog?!" Masasmune spat, weilding his Colt Magnum
Jingu's eyes widened and she kept her gun leveled, but she didn't dare move. She knew she was caught and she knew exactly who she was up against. Slowly she removed her finger from the trigger and she slowly held her gun in the air. She clenched her jaw, holding her other hand in the air, not being able to turn and face Masamune. She was still down on one knee; swallowing hard, she glared at the floor. Mitsuhide knew this job was out of her league, but he gave it to her anyway. She had underestimated her opponent. "The dog isn't dead." She said softly.
Jingu got to her feet, frowning. She wished he'd just shoot her already, tonight was more than likely not going to be a pleasant one.
Kojurou opened the door and scowled softly, "You were on the roof..." He murmured. "Kojurou, take her to the cells in the basement." "Hai, Masamune-sama." Kojurou took the gun from her and pinned her arms behind her back easily. Masasmune kept his gun trained on her, even as he picked up his precious dog, Sabu
Jingu winced at his strong grip, following him without struggle. She'd seen what he had done to her bullet earlier and was sure he could do the same thing to her.
Kojurou took her to the basement cells and pushed her into one, locking it, "I hope you understand what you're getting yourself into."
"I am aware." She said softly, moving to the back wall and sitting down. This had happened once before, so she knew what was most likely coming next. She closed her pale eyes and took in a slow breath, preparing herself mentally.
Masasmune came storming down the stairs, grabbing a crop and unlocking the cell, stepping in and closing it behind him, "Who sent you?"

((I'm gonna feel so bad after this...))
Jingu didn't say anything, slowly opening her eyes to look up at him. Yes, this was definitely Date Masamune. The distinctive eyepatch, the bad aura around him.

((Makeherbleeeeeeed! :> No mercy~))
((Nah~ She's gonna be a bitch at first~))

Jingu toppled over he hit her so hard, an angry red welt forming on her cheek. She clenched her jaw, then spoke. "Who knows?"
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