Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

((Haha~ No~))

Jingu let out a small yelp, the welt stinging at her skin a vengeance. This time she shut her mouth; she wasn't going to talk easily.
Masamune growled and threw the crop aside, pulling out his knife and digging it into her skin, "Talk." He ordered, "Who. Fucking. Sent. You." He hissed
Jingu tensed and her breath hitched in her throat. When he crouched down to dig the knife into her thigh, she looked him in the eye and spat in his face. She deserved this, she had been caught, she'd messed up and this was her punishment.
Masamune snapped and slowly dragged the blade along her thigh, watching blood ooze from the wound. Kojurou couldn't bring himself to watch, never having really approved of Masasmune's interrogation methods.
Jingu let out a low noise of pain, clenching her fists. She knew better than to try and jerk her leg away, that might only make the cut worse.
Jingu's other leg shot out and she kicked Masamune hArd in the face, slowly scooting back, leaving a smudged trail of blood from her leg.
"Masamune-sama!" "I'm fine! Fuck, that hurt though." Masamune huffed and moved over to her, wrapping his hands around her neck, tight enough to keep her pinned but not enough to choke her
Jingu gripped his wrists, trying to pry his hands away from her neck, pain throbbing in her leg as blood oozed from the deep cut. It wasn't deep enough to sever anything, but deep enough to hurt like hell.
"Regardless if you kill me or not, it doesn't matter. That man has an incredible bounty on his head." She said, glaring softly. "So go ahead, kill me, but that'll only satisfy you in the now."
Masamune grew increasingly annoyed and Kojurou stepped forward, "Masamune-sama. Leave her. A few days without food or water should get her talking."
Jingu glanced at the one named Kojurou, scowling softly. Oh goodie, she'd get to stay even longer as a welcomed guest in the Date manor.
Masamune didn't seem happy but agreed, punching Jingu hard in the face before walking out of the cell and locking her in. As Masamune left, Kojurou stared at Jingu, "I only hope that you'll cooperate with us soon.." He said before following his master
Jingu dragged herself against the wall, leaning her back against it and looking at her leg. The gash in her leg was longer than her hand and still deep enough to require stitches. Her left eye was already swelling shut from Masamune's hard punch, and through her good eye she watched blood continue to trickle from her leg wound. She tore off a section of her sleeve and wrapped her leg the best she could with trembling hands. Her right cheek still stung from the crop, a little puffy and red, but it'd be fine in a few hours. After wrapping her leg she leaned her head back against the cold cement, frowning softly. She could practically hear Mitsuhide laughing at her.
"Shame on you, Jingu-dono~ getting caught like that~" Mitsuhide jeered, slinking out of the shadows. He was dressed in his usual gear; leather attire and shiny leather heeled boots. He pulled down the fur lined hood of his coat, long silver hair pulled into a ponytail, "I thought you could handle Kojurou~ Guess I was wrong~"

((I made him look like a woman because I knew you'd enjoy it~~))
Jingu scowled at Mitsuhide. "I should've just shot the dog, I had no clue they even owned a pet." She clenched her fists, scolding herself. "I take it you're only here to gloat, and not let me out, are you?" She made a soft noise. "Or maybe you're here to finish me off, afraid I'll talk..?"

Mitsuhide chuckled and moved closer, heels clicking, "No, none of that~ You have to stay in here and tell them everything~ because if you can't kill Kojurou, then I will~"
"So you're giving me another chance to kill him?" Her eye narrowed and she frowned heavily. "Or you just want me to send him into a trap?"
Jingu's pale gold eye filled with anger. "Fine. I'll do it." She said through clenched teeth.
Jingu averted her gaze, shame making her cheeks turn red. "Just give me some time." She muttered
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