Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Jingu scowled. She was getting somewhere and Masamune had come and ruined things for her. She still had Kojurou wobbling at the knees, just a little more work, but then she'd need to earn his trust. She limped over to the back wall and sat down on the ground, checking her leg wound. It was starting to become inflamed.
"Either beat the crap out of her or leave." "Hai." Kojurou bowed and Masasmune left. Kojurou looked and frowned, "Would you like for your wound to be treated?"
Jingu looked up at him. "I wouldn't want for you to get in trouble with your boss." She said, covering the gash again. "But it would be most appreciated."
Kojurou moved and grabbed a massive first aid kit which he affectionately called 'an ambulance in a box'. Opening it up, he began to clean and dress her wound
Jingu winced as he cleaned her wound, clenching her fists and looking away from the ugly wound. "Thank you." She said, keeping her gaze fixed on the far wall.
"Its no trouble. I do this all the time with people Masamune-sama throws down here..." He answered. He glanced at her before looking back at the wound, "What did you mean earlier? If se was not a means to get information, what did you have in mind?"
"Oh...~ Well I don't really remember..~ But all I can think of right now is a kiss~ I don't do sex on the first date~" She smirked at him.
Jingu gently brought her hand up and cupped his cheek, making him look up at her. "You should always look a woman in the eye when speaking to her..~" She teased lightly, as though she wasn't a hostage in a cell. She needed to get closer to him, even if it made her feel uncomfortable.
((Dude, once Kojurou is done dominating her, she'll betray Mitsuhide in a heartbeat xD))

"Its also rude to tease a man with such close proximity if you plan on doing nothing..." He said, voice a low seductive growl
((Haha~ She'd kill him herself if he asked her too~))

Jingu leaned in and closed the space between them, kissing him almost heatedly.
((She'd go against Mitsuhide if Kojurou asked her to~))

"I take it you don't get much action with women..~" She chuckled, smirking softly. This might be easier than she had thought. But she never knew, things could get rough.
"And why is that? I'm sure you want to have a woman to hold and touch, one you can call yours.." She said softly. "Is it that your boss won't let you..?"
"He doesn't want either of us getting too attached to someone with the line of work we have..." He replied, careful not to mention anything about Megohime
"Your boss doesn't strike me as someone who'd pledge his life to purity." She noted, watching him work.
"Masamune-sama has had many lovers; all of which he's never stayed with for long." He said, "The moment he has feelings of marrying the woman he's with, he leaves them and doesn't look back..."
"And what about you? Have you ever been with a woman who you'd want to stay with?" She asked.
Kojurou shook his head, "Most of the women I bed with are prostitutes and they're women I find revolting. Narcissists, mostly. Can't get attached to a beautiful woman if you can't stand to be near them."
Jingu's jaw set and she stared down at her lap, cheeks flaring red with embarrassment and shame. "That's understandable."
((Well he did kinda practically called her a revolting narcissistic whore~))

"Arigatou." She said, looking down at the neatly stitched gash, running a finger along the ridges.
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