Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"Take your time~ let me know when you're ready to bring him to me~" Mitsuhide pulled his hood up and moved back into the shadows, vanishing
Jingu hit the back of her head against the wall in frustration. She hadn't had to try and seduce a man for some time, and didn't know how she was going to do it. But she didn't have a choice.
Jingu sat in the cell, the first couple of buttons popped off from the night before, so her shirt hung open to a good amount of cleavage. She watched him as he walked in, the swelling in her eye having gone down and simply fading to deep purple bruising.
Jingu shrugged, not bothering the fix her shirt. "Sure, what do you wanna talk about?" She asked, resting her arms on her knees.
"Akechi Mitsuhide." She said simply, watching him get closer, but not moving. She looked him up and down, he wasn't too bad looking actually.
"Mitsuhide?" Kojurou repeated. He moved into the cell and closed it, moving towards her, "Why did he send you to assassinate me?"
"I'm going to be honest, not many people now these days know how to wield a sword. It's a lost art that's very hard to pick up on." She said, shifting slightly, pale hair falling in a loose ponytail down her back. "You're a rare man, Kojurou, and a lot of people want you dead."
"This is a fact I know very well. But, I'm genuinely surprised to see a woman of unsurpassed beauty spilling the blood of others.." He stated
Jingu blushed softly. "The only thing pretty about me is my appearance, and that's not much if you ask me." She said, her lip twitching into a bitter smile. "So why are you in here, Kojurou? You know the bars aren't sound proof."
Kojurou blushed faintly and averted his gaze, "I decided that talking to you as a prisoner will not work, so I'm trying to speak to you as an equal."
Jingu stood up, keeping her weight off her hurt leg. "As equals..?" Her brows rose and he looked into his deep brown eyes with her pale gold ones. "You and I both know you're much higher ranking than I am~" She purred. "So flattery isn't going to work..~"
Kojurou's cheeks started to turn even more pink and he cleared his throat, "Be that as it may. It's better than Masamune-sama coming here and hurting you again."
Jingu moved closer, only inches from him, looking up into his eyes. "Not a fan of pain..~?" She asked softly. "Well, I think I'd be willing to tell a good looking man like you a few things, that is if you allow me something..~?"
"Anything you'd like to know." She said. "Where Akechi will be, his schedules... Even who's coming after your boss." She said softly.
"Maybe~" She purred. "I'd be willing to tell you, but oh.. What would be the cost?" She turned and shrugged, back to him. "Oh well, I guess you'll just have to stay ok guard and hope for the best."
She turned slightly and looked at him. "Alas, even if I were to ask you of it, I doubt you'd want to do such a horrid thing for a horrid person like me, a lowly assassin..~" She said, looking him in the eye.
Jingu smirked. "You don't even know what I was going to ask for~" She turned and moved close, her lips inches from his. "Are you suggesting that I'm asking for you to pleasure me...~?" She asked softly.
Kojurou nearly choked on the air he was breathing. "W-Well...I-I..." His hands hesitantly moved to her hips. "Kojurou!!" Kojurou jumped away and ran his fingers through his hair, stepping out of the cell, "Hai, Masamune-sama?" "What the fuck are you doing down here? I don't condone fucking information out of a hostage." "H-Hai, Masamune-sama..."
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