Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

((Oh, well~ xD))

Kojurou nodded, "I'll bring you some food later. Take it easy." He said and left the cell, putting away his first aid
Jingu sat against the wall and watched him leave, her lips still tingling a bit from when they kissed.
Kojurou made a noise and moved outside, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. He exhaled the smoke through his nose, scowling softly. He hated how attracted to her he was. Masamune would have to be the one to interrogate her now. If he continued, he would probably do something he'd regret.
Jingu's stomach made small gurgles of protest, showing her hunger, luckily she was alone. At least the torture from Masamune hadn't been to bad.
A servant came down later with a tray of rice and meat with a cup of tea, "This is from Kojurou-sama...he said that he wishes for you to at least be comfortable down here." He said
"Arigatou." She said gratefully, taking the tray and bowing her head slightly to the servant. She sat back down and drank the tea slowly, eating her rice with a small smile, but then she frowned. What if the food had been drugged? She cursed herself and set the bowl down, scowling at it.
((Masamune might!))

Jingu frowned, she needed to eat, but if it was drugged, well.. She shook her head and picked up the rice again, eating slowly.
((Okay~ More torture~?))

Jingu sat in the dark cell, listening to water drip somewhere in the poorly lit room.
"I already told your pal Kojurou." She said, her leg throbbing as a reminder of what Masamune had done.

Jingu watched him. "So I take it you've encountered him a few times, is that how you lost your eye."
Jingu held up her hands. "Fine, fine." She said. "I was just concerned for the well being of my host."
"I am aware of that." She said, holding her gaze. "And I have accepted that." She said, but she was hoping she'd at least limp out of there.
Jingu chewed on the inside of her lip. From what she had gathered from Kojurou, Masamune slept and fell in love with women often, hopefully she'd succeed with her blind leap of faith. "Don't you want to know who's after your lover?" Gods she hoped he was sleeping with a woman.
Masamune's eye turned into a slit and he stormed over, "How the fuck did you know about-?" He stopped and took a breath. No need to jump the gun. Kojurou taught him better than that.
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