Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

((Oh dear...*sighs, stuck* Fuck it.))

"Masamune-sama, maybe we were given wrong information." Kojurou said. Masamune ground his teeth, "Or maybe he's just playin' stupid to get me to leave." Masamune's rage hit a boiling point and he pulled the trigger. Sasuke yanked Yukimura to the floor, the bullet lodging into the wall
Yukimura instantly pulled his guns out, pointing them at Masamune and jumping to his feet, scowl on his face. "I don't understand why you have such hatred towards me, or why Megohime is involved, but I think it'd be best if you were to leave."

((I'm sorry!))
((No, its ok, I'm just really stuck and logically Masamune should just walk away! But Masamune doesn't think logically so I dunno what to do! D'x ))

"I think it's best you shut the fuck up and die!" Masamune hissed and fired off two more rounds. Sasuke growled, "We need to take this somewhere else, otherwise someone will get hurt." He glanced at Akihime's door before returning his attention to Yukimura
Yukimura nodded, having dodged Masamune's bullets he ran for the door, leading Masamune outside.

((God DAMMIT! Dx))
Yukimura spun and aimed his guns at Masamune, brows furrowed as he fired both guns at the same time, the bullets lodging into the door frame on both sides of Masamune's head.
"Oh, you got some spunk!" Masamune holstered his Colt and pulled the shotgun off his back, "But this isn't the shooting range, kid."

((I figured out why the fanart gave Masa a shotgun and a handgun :3 ))

Yukimura frowned softly and ran towards a statue, shooting at Masamune a few times before taking cover behind the heavy stone tiger.
((A shotgun shell typically holds five pellets and a handgun is typically a single bullet per shell...those bullets together make six! :D Like his Six Claws!))

Masamune took cover and pumped his shotgun, "Come on, kid, accept your death like a man!" He yelled and popped up from behind cover, shooting the statue and sending some chunks flying before ducking again
Yukimura peered from around the statue and shot at Masamune again, but it was only to try and push him out of hiding.
Masamune made a noise of annoyance, "Son of a bitch, this kid is good." He grumbled. He pulled out his Colt and huffed. If Kojurou wasn't so busy with that ginger, this would be easy.
((Do you mean Sasuke or Akihime~?))

Yukimura fired again, dashing to the next statue and hiding behind that.

"Oh, for fuck's sake." Masamune hopped out of cover and using suppressing fire with his shotgun to get closer to Yukimura.

Yukimura scowled and peered around the statue, firing at Masamune, and once he heard the last gunshot of Masamune's shotgun fire, he spun and faced him, both handguns pointed at Masamune.
"I've had years of training." Masamune stated, "Lemme ask you somethin': If Mego supplies you with all your ammo, why kill her? What's the point?"
Yukimura's face went slack, his eyes holding surprise. "Kill her?" He repeated. "Why would I want to kill her?" He was genuine, he honestly sounded confused.
Yukimura shook his head, lowering his guns slowly. "No, I don't have a hit out on Megohime... I don't think anyone does, she's mostly neutral."
Masamune hissed, "Son of a bitch tricked me." He growled lowly. He holstered his shotgun and made a noise, "Sorry for the...misunderstand...I gotta go." He said and turned to leave
Yukimura frowned. "Matte." He holstered his own guns, but watched Masamune as he turned. "You came here and attempted to kill me, you're just going to walk away?"

((So how mad is Masamune with Jingu~?))
"Pretty much." Masamune answered as he continued walking, waving his hand, "Keep practicing, kid."

((On a scale of one to FUCKING EREN JAEGER!! he's pretty pissed off~~))
A small smirk tugged at Yukimura's lips and he touched his chest. "What an odd feeling, as though a fire has kindled in my chest."

((Jingu gon' die~?))

Sasuke moved over, hands in his pockets, "So, he, uh...lights your fire, does he?" He asked. Akihime rushed over, "Yukimura-sama!"
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