Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]


Yukimura looked to Akihime, frowning softly. "Are you alright?" He asked, worried about his apprentice.

((No love for Sasuke~))
"Hai!" Akihime nodded, "I'm more worried about you...! I heard a lot of gunfire...!" "Oh, I see how it is..." Sasuke muttered as he moved to the shooting range, "Don't forget to explain what happened to Big Boss Shingen."
Yukimura blinked and looked away from Akihime, looking to Sasuke. "Hai." He nodded, then turned back to Akihime. "I'm fine."
Yukimura made a noise. "Well, alright, but let me speak." He said, heading towards the house.
Yukimura entered and stood before Shingen's large desk, bowing his head. "I came to report to you, my lord." He said. "Date Masamune came on a misunderstanding I had taken up strife with Megohime and wished her no longer."
"Is that so?" Shingen asked. His gaze landed on Akihime and she tensed, "Do you know anything, Otani?" He asked. Akihime looked to Yukimura for help, not knowing if she should speak or not. "Well!?" Shingen bellowed, making her jump. She gulped and shook her head. Shingen scowled, "Do you have rocks in your head, Otani?" "N-No, Lord Shingen...! I-I was told not to speak by Yukimura-sama...!"
Yukimura cleared his throat. "No, I don't believe she knows anything, I think it was all the Date's doing, Masamune muttered about someone giving them false information."
Shingen made a noise and Akihime kept her gaze downward. Shingen was so intimidating; how could Yukimura stand so confidently in front of him? "We shall have to make plans to fix any damages the Azure Dragon has caused." Shingen stated, "Yukimura, you may leave. I wish to speak privately with Otani." Akihime froze stock still. A private talk? With Shingen? Akihime silently begged Yukimura to stay.
Yukimura gave a reassuring look, nodding to her once before leaving, closing the doors behind him and leaving the two in a deathly silence.
Akihime looked up at the intimidating man in fear. Shingen made a noise, "What have you to offer the Takeda?" He asked. Akihime gulped, "A-Ano...I can cook...a-and clean...a-and I told Yukimura-sama that my family connections can get the Takeda closer to other big households...a-as well as...close to targets..." "Is that so?" "H-Hai..."
"Maybe we could use your connections to our advantage." Shingen said. Akihime blinked, "R...Really?" She asked softly. He nodded, "When the time calls for it, we will use you." He said. Akihime practically beamed, "Hai! Arigatou!"
By the sound of things, things seemed to be going well. There was no more screaming or angry tones, which made Yukimura sigh in relief.
Yukimura led her down to the shooting range, first wanting to see how much she had improved from last time. "Alright, let's see how you do."

Jingu had been laying in her cell, arms behind her head with her eyes closed, but she perked when she heard a car door slam faintly overhead from the grates that let sunlight in.

((Why are you sorry?))

Akihime nodded and aimed her P220, taking a breath and squeezing the trigger two times, one of the bullets hitting dead center where the other just barely missed

Masamune stormed down to the cells and threw open Jingu's cell door, "You lied!" He hissed and wrapped his hands around her neck tight

Yukimura let out a low whistle. "Someone's been practicing..~" A small smirk crept onto his lips. "How about we try with moving targets?" He moved over to the wall and flipped a switch, the targets whirring to life and moving.

Jingu struggled to draw in a breath, hands gripping Masamune's wrists, eyes widening, but she knew this was coming.
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