Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]


Akihime's eyes widened and she made a weak noise before aiming her gun again, "Please don't miss, please don't miss, please don't miss..." She muttered and squeezed off a round, hitting just barely the outer most circle, "Dammit!"

"Masamune-sama!" Kojurou pulled Masamune off her, "I told you she may have misinformed us, but you didn't listen!!"

Yukimura laughed softly. "Don't aim at the target, aim where the target is going to be." He instructed.

Jingu turned on her side and coughed, holding her throat as she sucked air into her lungs.

Akihime nodded and aimed her gun, waiting for the target to get close before shooting, hitting close to the center of the target. She made a noise, "This is going to take me a while..."

Masamune shoved away from Kojurou and walked away, "You deal with her, before I kill her." He hissed

Yukimura nodded. "Keep practicing. I want you to be able to hit that target right on the mark." He said sternly.

Jingu wheezed softly and glared at Masamune as he left, then looked to Kojurou.
"Hai, Yukimura-sama!" Akihime bowed. Sasuke looked over, "Do you want her to flip you back into the dirt again, too, boss?"

"Why did you lie to Masamune-sama?" He asked, shutting the cell door
Yukimura looked to Sasuke and rose an eyebrow, making a face. "Do you have any jobs for me, or are you waiting to use the range?"

Jingu got to her hands and knees, wiping her mouth on the back of her hand. "Who knows?"
"Yukimura-sama, he was here before us..." Akihime muttered. Sasuke made a face, "No, boss...sorry...I'll get out of you and your new girlfriend's way." He said and pushed passed Yukimura to leave. "I'm not his girlfriend...! Sasuke-san, matte!" Akihime called, moving after him

"If you keep this up, he will kill you." Kojurou said. He was finding all her traps and pointless weaves of lies more hazardous to her health than Masamune's
Yukimura frowned and held his hand up. "I'll talk to him." He said, following Sasuke out of the range with a worried frown.
((Shiyt! I forgot my other response, haha I'm lame~))

"Sasuke?" Yukimura caught up to Sasuke and walked beside him. "What's going on with you?"

"Wouldn't that get me out of your way then?" She rose an eyebrow, clearing her throat. "I'm going to be executed anyway, aren't I?"
"What's going on with you; bringing a woman into the estate and making her your apprentice. What bullshit is that, boss, you pity her that much?" Sasuke huffed

"I'm trying to keep the execution from happening." Kojurou said
Yukimura frowned. "She has nowhere to go, she can be of use to us, Sasuke." He said. "And no, I don't pity her."
"Oh, you pity the shit out of her. I can understand giving her somewhere to stay, but teaching her to use a gun and makin her your apprentice?" Sasuke was absolutely livid
Yukimura frowned more. "That's why I'm teaching her, so she doesn't need to depend on me." He said, crossing his arms.
"You're such an idiot, boss!" He hissed. Akihime slowly stepped forward, "Ano...Sasuke-san...i-if I proved myself to you...would you be more accepting of me...?" "No! I'll accept you when you don't live here anymore and you don't mooch off the Takeda!" He snapped, making Akihime flinch. She bit her lip and turned on her heel and ran to the estate.
((Sasuke's bein' a dick!))

"Akihime, matte!" Yukimura watched Akihime leave before turning on Sasuke. "Why won't you at least give her a chance to prove her worth?" He asked.
((*punches Sasuke* :D He's turning into Nnoitra!))

"Each person has their own worth, no one is worthless." Yukimura scowled and left Sasuke, going to find Akihime.
((He'll get better, I promise~))

Akihime sat in her room, sniffling and hiccuping as she took her gun apart and cleaned it with tear-blurred eyes. She was going to prove herself to Sasuke whether he liked it or not.

Yukimura opened the door and entered, frowning softly. "You'll have to forgive Sasuke.. He.. He gets uncomfortable when new people come along.."
((So, you aren't angry with me and/or taking any rage seeded from your mother out on me...?))

Akihime shook her head, "No...Sasuke-san is right...I'm mooching off the Takeda. But, I will prove my worth and pull my own weight."
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