Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

((Haa?? Where did you get that idea..!? *laughs* Nah! I'm fine!))

Yukimura frowned. "I believe you can do it." He said. "You aren't a dead weight though, you need a little toughening up, but that's all."
Yukimura nodded. "Clean your gun and meet me down at the range, you should keep practicing on hitting moving targets."
Yukimura nodded. "Meet me down at the range when you're done." He said before turning on his heel.
"Y...Yukimura-sama...?" Akihime looked back at him, wiping away the tear stains, "You...You meant it when you didn't pity me...r-right...?" She asked, "Y-You didn't save me...because you felt bad for me...?"
Yukimura stopped and turned. "No. I do not pity you. I didn't pity you when I found you either." He said. "I saw something in your eyes. I believe in you, Akihime."
Yukimura was already down there, practicing with his handguns, a soft frown on his face as he concentrated.
Yukimura stopped, blinking when he felt someone watching him. "Akihime, come, start training." He said.
Yukimura shook his head. "Don't apologize so much." He said, taking aim and firing, hitting square on the middle.
Akihime nodded and aimed her gun. She stood there for hours, barely hitting any of the moving targets. She frowned, wasting her entire clip. "Dammit!" She growled, getting frustrated
Yukimura moved over to Akihime, setting two new clips down for her. "Don't get frustrated, aim where the target is going to be, not where it is. Anticipate it."
Akihime reloaded her gun angrily and aimed her gun. She waited and pulled the trigger, hitting dead center of the target. She waited and did it with another target, hitting the middle ring. She made a noise, still incredibly frustrated.
Yukimura watched Akihime, practicing every now and again as well so he wasn't just a dead goose hovering around.
((Time to toughen Akihime up!))

"Boss, Big Boss Shingen needs you for a mission briefing." Sasuke said, moving over, "Sounds important."

Yukimura nodded and looked to Akihime. "Come on, time to see how well you can handle yourself."
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