Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Yukimura scowled and stayed in the shadows, motioning for Akihime to stay out of the line of fire. He too aim with one of his guns, focusing on the rogue priest before firing at his head.
Yukimura made a noise and aimed his other handgun, firing at Nanbu, keeping him busy with his heavy firing. "Akihime! Get the people out of here!" He ordered.
"H-Hai!" Akihime nodded and moved to help the women and children out. Nanbu moved to a confession box before coming out with an M-16
Akihime got the citizens out and returned to help Yukimura, "Yukimura-sama...!" "My, what a beautiful child." Akihime froze and pulled out her gun, pointing it at Nanbu. It was a stand-off.
Yukimura clenched his jaw, very low on ammo and he wouldn't have enough time to pull out his sniper rifle.
"You two will make fine sacrafices." Nanbu stated. Akihike bit her lip; this was bad. She could tell Yukimura was in a bad situation.
Nanbu took both hits and only laughed, firing at Yukimura. Akihime reacted quickly and grabbed Yukimura, pushing him to the ground and dropping, squeezing off a round and shooting Nanbu in the head. She dropped her gun, paler than usual, "I...I took a life..." "Everything ok, boss?"
Yukimura pushed himself to his feet and holstered his guns. "Yeah, everything's okay." He said, moving to Akihime. "It's alright." He said, putting his hands on her shoulders.
((I hope that wasn't a power-play... >.> ))

She looked up at him, "But..." In the back of her mind, something enjoyed killing. And she was starting to love the surge of power. She held the ability to control whether someone lived or died. And she loved it.
((Haha, nah~))

Yukimura helped her stand, grabbing her gun and putting the safety on before putting it in his belt and helping her walk out with a frown. "Sasuke, we're done, no one was harmed and we're heading out."
Yukimura led Akihime to the car, getting her in the back seat and taking the passengers seat, frowning softly.
Akihime stared at her lap, not looking up even when Sasuke entered the car. "What happened?" "I killed him..." Akihime muttered, "Harumasa Nanbu is dead...I killed him..."
Sasuke nodded and drove off to the estate, the whole car ride was quiet. As Akihime sat in silence, she discovered that a part of her loved killing; maybe she got it from being with Yoshitsugu and Mitsunari for so long. But, she wouldn't let it get to her. She would channel it all into bettering herself; for Yukimura and the Takeda.
Once they reached the estate, Yukimura got out and moved to the back door, opening the door and offering Akihime a hand.
Akihime took his hand and smiled, "Arigatou, Yukimura-sama...I think I'll just meditate for a bit before going to practice some more..."
Yukimura nodded and pulled her gun from his belt, handing it to her. "Here, you dropped this earlier."
"Oh! Arigatou! I'm so careless..." She took it and bowed before jogging inside. Sasuke huffed, "She couldn't have killed him. No freakin' way."
Yukimura watched her leave. "She did kill him... She covered me as well." He said, something unreadable in his eyes.
Yukimura shook his head. "Nothing... I'm going to go clean my guns..." He said, heading off to his room.
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