Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

After lunch, Yukimura took the plates and washed them, setting them on a drying rack to dry before turning to Akihime. "Why don't we head to the training grounds?" He offered.
Akihime nodded, "Ok.." She agreed

((M'wife~ when I get done with her, she's gonna stop being a whinig little mousey mouse~ she's gonna be hothothot like m'wiiiiiiiiiiife~~))
((Huehuehue~ Time to throw her under the bus~))

Yukimura lead her outside to where Sasuke was training. "Typically in our line of work we don't do much hand to hand combat, but sometimes it can't be avoided. Sasuke..!" He called, approaching the brunette. "How about we demonstrate some techniques to Akihime so she can get the feel of it before I teach her some moves."
"Oh, well, I'm a bit rusty, but," Sasuke popped his neck and Akihime tensed in fear, "Sure, boss, if that's what you want to do!" "I'm so scared for my safety..." Akihime muttered
Yukimura took a few steps away from Akihime, taking up a stance and facing Sasuke, his face set.
Yukimura instantly blocked by raising his right arm, then taking a step back and kicking high, aiming for his head.
Sasuke brought his arms up and caught Yukimura's leg, twisting it and forcing him to the ground, pinning him down with his foot barely pressing against his chest. "You see, Miss Otani, if someone goes to kick you like boss did, you catch their leg and twist. It'll force them down - as you saw - and give you time to pin them. And if you're smart, you'll keep their leg in a firm hold and if they try to move, you can break their ankle." "H-Hai..." Akihime said meekly.
When Sasuke released Yukimura, he got to his feet and almost to fast for the eyes to see he grabbed Sasuke and put him in a choke hold. "Now how would you suppose Sasuke were to get out of a choke hold?" He asked.
Sasuke sighed softly, holding onto Yukimura's arms for effect. Akihime shook her head numbly, "I-I don't know..." "Wonderful...I'm sufficating and she doesn't know..." Sasuke said sarcastically. Akihime whined, "Gomenasai!"
"Sasuke, why don't you show her?" He asked, his grip was tight, but not tight enough to actually restrict his airway.

((Sasuke really doesn't like her, does he? (=^・ω・^=)))
((He thinks she's useless and will hold Yukimura back~))

Sasuke peeled Yukimura's fingers back and twisted out of his grip before kicking the back of Yukimura's knee and knocking him down. Akihime clapped and Sasuke rolled his eyes.
"Alright, Akihime." Yukimura turned to face her. "Why don't we try some simple moves on you? Have you ever had any experience fighting?" He asked.
Akihime looked down shyly, "N-No...well...I-I used to be a black belt when I was eight...but I haven't practiced in years, so I'm not sure if I recall anything..."

Sasuke sighed in annoyence and moved his foot forward before moving to smash his palm up into Akihime's jaw. Akihime's eyes hardened and she deflected his attack before grabbing his wrist and flipping him onto his back. Sasuke grunted and Akihime gasped, releasing his wrist, "Gomenasai!"
Yukimura blinked in surprise. "I thought you said you wouldn't be able to recall anything." He smirked at an idea that popped into his head. "How about a sparring match?"
((Oh Gods.))

Akihime paled, "I-It was a reflex..." "A-A very painful reflex." Sasuke coughed before pushing himself up. Akihime gulped and looked to Yukimura, "I-I apologize in advance if I hurt you, Yukimura-sama..." She muttered shyly
Yukimura didn't say another word, he swung forward with a right hook with no warning, a solid stance keeping him stable.
Akihime reacted and deflected his punch before smashing her palm into his chest, grabbing his arm and wrapping her leg around his before pulling him off balance and throwing him to the ground.
Yukimura grunted when he hit the ground and he grinned up at her. "So she's better at hand to hand than we gave her credit for." He said, rubbing the back of his head.
Akihime backed off, blushing brightly, "G-Gomen, Yukimura-sama..." She said meekly. She gasped when Sasuke twisted her arm behind her back and his arm around her neck, "Try and get out of this, Otani." He challenged. But Akihime didn't even react. She stood frozen, eyes wide in terror as she flashed back to all the times Saito forced her to sleep with him. Sasuke didn't even notice she had stopped breathing.
Yukimura saw the complete terror on her face and he stood up. "Sasuke, let her go. That's enough training for today." He said, dusting himself off with a frown.
Sasuke released her and Akihime dropped, bowing as low and as small as she possibly could, "G-Gomenasai, Saito-sama! I-I won't argue with you again! P-Please don't hurt me anymore, I'll be good!" She sobbed. Sasuke made a face, feeling a little bad for triggering her.

((Kankri: Did someone say trigger?))
Yukimura crouched in front of her, placing a gentle had on her shoulder. "Akihime?" He said softly.
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