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Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Yukimura opened the door and stepped inside. "I've talked to my Lord, and he's letting you choose between staying here and training under me, or going home."
"Training under you?" She asked. She frowned, "I cannot take a goes against my moral code...but, I can use my family connections to get you close to targets!" She told him, hoping that woud be enough
Yukimura thought for a moment. "I never said you'd have to take a life, but I'd still at least like to train you personally to handle a gun, you can use rubber bullets."
Akihime made a noise but nodded, "A-All right...but, I heard your Lord yelling...if he doesn't find me worthy, I'll be forced to leave.."
Yukimura gave her an apologetic look. "I'm sure he'll find you worthy." He said, flashing a lazy grin at her.
Akihime nodded and blinked when there was another knock, "Come in...!" She called. The door opened and Sasuke stepped in, holding a notepad and pen, "Good to see you're awake, Miss Otani." "Th-Thank you.." Akihime muttered. Sasuke bowed slightly, "My name is Sasuke and I was wondering if it would be ok for boss and I to ask you a few questions?" "O-Oh, of course!" Akihime said and sat on the bed
Yukimura stood aside so her and Sasuke could talk, keeping an eye on the two and leaning against the wall.
"So, Miss Otani, I know that this is a bit of a personal question, but...what were you doing in that place with those men?" Sasuke asked. Akihime stopped breathing for a moment, death gripping her skirt. Sasuke looked confused, "Miss Otani?"
Yukimura frowned heavily. "Maybe you should ask the next question." Yukimura said, knowing it must've been a hard question to answer.
"No..." Akihime said weakly, "No, its ok..." She cleared her throat and released her hold on her skirt, "Two years ago, while I was still living with my father and Mitsunari-sama...the yakuza came to discuss matters with my father. They were angry that he had cheated them out of money; I had no idea what they meant by that at the time. But then..." Akihike's eyes filled with tears, "In order to pay them back, father gave me to them as a sex slave...I-I was only seventeen...!" She covered her face and cried, "Each and every one of them raped me for hours, no matter how many times I cried and begged them to stop! Saito loved it so much that he kept me for himself! I begged my father and Mitsunari-sama to bring me home but they turned me away!" She sobbed

((*turns the blender on low* .____. ))
((*slow clap* Father of the year.))

Yukimura clenched his fists, scowling softly. His eyes blazed and begotten that set look on his face, just like every time he did before killing a target.
"Akihime." Yukimura stepped forward and touched her shoulder gently. "Have you ever fired a gun before?"
Akihime sniffled and shook her head, "N-No.."

((Dude, when I get done with Akihime, rugged!Yukimura is going to want to bed with her all the time xD))
"B-But...Yukimura-sama..." She said meekly, "I-I won't use it to take a life." "You won't have to. Rubber bullets will only hurt people, not kill them." Sasuke told her. Akihime frowned softly but nodded, "O-Ok...I will accept your training, Yukimura-sama..."
Akihime nodded and dried her eyes. Sasuke wrote down her explanation before looking back up, "So, your father is Yoshitsugu?" "Hai...he's my adoptive father..." Akihime answered. Sasuke frowned faintly, "So, there's no relation between you two?" "No...he took me in after my mother and father were killed when I was very little." She answered. "And those men had you for...?" "Two years...from the time I turned seventeen to now; at the age of nineteen." She answered softly. Sasuke wrote everything down, "Are you still loyal to your father and Mitsunari?" He asked. Akihime frowned and lowered her gaze, "After my father gave me up, I have no need to do as they ask. I am loyal to the Takeda now." She replied. Sasuke scribbled the last answer down before closing the pad, "I'll make a report and give it to Boss Shingen." He told Yukimura
Yukimura nodded. "I'll take her down to the shooting range to get her started on her training."
Sasuke nodded and waved as he walked out. Akihime looked to Yukimura, "P-Please be gentle with me, Yukimura-sama..." She requested meekly
Yukimura made a soft noise. "For today, I'll be teaching you how to handle a gun." He said, waving for her to follow.
Akihime nodded and stood, following him closely, "He's so gentle...but when the moment calls for it, he can be serious and steely...I've only known you a few hours, but I want to spend my life with you, Yukimura-sama...! I'll do everything I can so you may notice my feelings for you and hopefully return them...!" She thought
((I have an idea for Kojurou~))

Yukimura led her down to the firing range, opening a cabinet full of different guns, trying to decide which one would best fit Akihime.
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