Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Yukimura looked at the gun and made a face. "We'll see how well you can handle it." He said, nodding and going to get both of them earplugs.

A woman watched Kojurou from the roof the next building over through the scope on her rifle, a soft scowl on her face as she watched him practice with his katana, an odd sight to her.
Akihime looked at the small calibur pistol in her hand and looked to Yukimura, "And if I can't use this...? What then...?"

Kojurou practiced his stances in the courtyard, he had been there since morning. He stopped and brushed back his messy brown hair and sighed softly
"Well, you'll need practice, I don't expect you to get it down on the first try." He said, coming back and holding his hand out, a pair of earplugs in his hand.

The woman scowled and her finger hovered over the trigger, but then he turned to face her direction and she blushed, her finger hesitating for a moment.
She took them and nodded, putting them in her ears

Kojurou had felt like he had been watched all morning and he glanced around the area to see if there was anything out of the ordinary. He spotted something in the distance and stared it down, waiting
Yukimura led her by the arm over to the targets, taking a step back. "Turn off the safety- do you know how to hold a gun?" He spoke loud enough for him to hear over the ear plugs.

Jingu took a deep breath, lowering her gun. Orders were orders and Mitsuhide was a cruel master, not someone to deny, and for whatever reason, he wanted this man dead. She pointed her gun again and looked through the scope, steadying herself and placing her finger on the trigger. Great, he had spotted her. But it didn't matter, there was no possible way he could stop a bullet with a sword. She lined the crosshairs on his forehead and fired.

((Huehuehue~ She's so dead wrong~ And dead~))
"I did once...and I used to watch Mitsunari-sama practice, so..." Akihime gingerly held up her gun like she remembered Mitsunari doing, "Like this?"

Kojurou slashed his katana, cutting the bullet in half before sheathing his blade. He took a stance, as if daring this mysterious person to fire again
Yukimura nodded, fixing her stance a bit before stepping away. "Alright, let's see what you can do." He said, giving her room.

Jingu was in complete shock. He had just cut the bullet in half. She swallowed hard and looked through the scope, cursing softly. The shot had brought the attention of another man. Lowering her weapon, she turned on the safety and moved away from the edge of the roof. She'd have to try again under the cover of night.
Akihime gulped, hands trembling. She had never handled a gun and never imagined handling one either. She took a breath and shut her eyes as she pulled the trigger, missing the target and hitting the wall

"Kojurou? What was that?" Masasmune asked. Kojurou scowled, "An assassin."
Yukimura made a face. This would take a lot of work. Tapping her shoulder gently, he took the gun carefully from her hands and moved to the next target over, taking stance and aiming, firing twice and hitting the target dead on. He turned the safety on and set the gun down, turning to Akihime, removing his ear plugs. "Don't close your eyes when firing, also, squeeze the trigger instead of pulling it." He said. "But other than that, your stance needs little improvement."

Jingu slid down the ladder that let up to the roof and jogged down the alley way, avoiding the main roads as she returned to a small building four blocks down to wait for night to come.
Akihime gulped again and got back into her stance, aiming the gun with trembling hands. She forced herself to keep her eyes open as she squeezed on the trigger, firing off a round and hitting the target in the farthest ring
Yukimura nodded. "That's good, why don't you keep going." He said, motioning for her to keep going.
"U-Uh...Ok..." Akihime nodded and looked back. She aimed her gun and squeezed the trigger, firing a little closer than before. She frowned, wanting to impress Yukimura, and squeezed off another round; hitting just below the center of the target
Yukimura's eyebrows went up, crossing his arms across his chest. "Impressive." He praised. "Looks like that gun is the right fight."

((Soon Kojurou is gonna have to fight~))

Yukimura smiled softly and motioned to the gun. "That'll be yours, you'll have to keepit in working condition and practice with it everyday. I'll show you how to clean it, but for now, how about lunch? You look hungry."

Yukimura led her to the kitchen, pulling out some pans and pots so he could start cooking.
Akihime blushed softly, "Y-You're going to cook for me...? Y-You don't have to!"

((Soon~~ alsoIhaveanideaforAkihimewaylateron!))
"Don't worry about it." Yukimura said, waving his hand dismissively. "I don't mind at all." He said, smiling at her over his shoulder.
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