Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Mori looked up with a scowl as a man knocked on the door before entering. "Sir, we got two of Motochika's men, and well... You won't believe this sir but they have a female crew member." He said , then cleared his throat when Mori glared. "Get to the point." "Ah- yes.. They both refuse to give up any information willingly-" "Then force it out of them, you know what to do, so do it, and try not to kill them." He said with a sigh, fixing his glasses and waving the man away.

The men on the Fugaku raised the anchor and got the cannon loaded, waiting for their captains orders. "On your order, Aniki!"
Motochika looked like he was fighting a deep conflict. If he sunk Motonari's ship, he'd lose Ren and the others; but if he didn't, he would lose his home and Shikoku.
Five figures came up the stairs, the first one was Motonari, the two behind him were obviously two of Motochika's men, it was clearly obvious since they had burlap bags over their heads and chains around their ankles; the men behind them each carrying a very heavy iron ball that was attached to each person, and they both look beat up. "Chosokabe, listen carefully for I will not repeat myself. Surrender your land and the Fugaku to me and I'll spare your pitiful life and your... crew as well." His ship had moved in further, and he was using the speakers on his ship to speak over the sound of the waves. "If you refuse, I will send both of these men to their deaths, and you can watch as the children of the sun overwhelm your land." He said, removing the first burlap bag to show Ren, face bruised and bloodied, one arm hanging awkwardly at his side and on the other arm his hand was a mess. "And one more thing, Chosokabe-" He moved over to the second figure and tore the sack off their head, revealing Nana, her nose broken and one eye swollen shut. "I thought you pirates were against letting women aboard ships. That's pitiful, even for you, Chosokabe." He said, staring him dead on. "So what shall it be? Your land, or two measly pirates? Choose quickly." He said and turned his back on Motochika, the men holding the iron balls tossing them over the sides of the ship, Ren to out of it to try and stop from falling, so he was yanked off the side of the ship, plummeting down toward the water and being swallowed up instantly, Nana how ever tried to grab the side of the ship when she was shoved, but that only ended up getting her fingers stomped on and kicked in the head, falling into the water as well. The ship was large, and with Ren going down in the sea on one side, and Nana on the other, it would be impossible to save them both in time. "If anyone other than Chosokabe jumps in the water, blow them to the underworld." "Yes sir!"

((*maniacal cackling*))

"You cowardly BASTARD!!" Motochika shouted angrily, "Blow them out of the water!!" "Aye!!" The main canon on the Fugaku loaded up, pointing it at Motonari's ship. Grabbing his harpoon gun, he dove over board and swam as fast as he could to try and shoot the chains and break them.
((*has no idea how to save Nana and Ren*))
((Make a choice~~<3 :>~ RememberthatIloveyou.))

Nana hear cannon fire rumble through the water as she struggled with the chains, sinking lower and lower until she hit the bottom. Her stomach and sides ached from being kicked, which made it painful to hold her breath as she tried to free her ankle from the heavy ball, first trying to swim with the entire weight of the ball, but it only tired her out and made her let out air, making her lungs ache and her head feel light. She looked over to were she thought Ren would be and saw a faint shadowy figure floating in the water, unmoving. She planting her feet in the sand and buried them as best that she could before lifting the large ball and trying to move it closer towards the figure that had to be a ways away. Ren was to young to die, he had only just turned nineteen.
Motochika swam faster, moving over to the first thing he saw; Nana. He aimed his powerful harpoon gun at the chain and fired, hitting the chain and having it break. He reloaded and swam for Ren, hoping he made it in time.

((Oh man, I don't even care if I power play, they are not allowed to die.))
As soon as the chain broke Nana kicked off hard from the ground and swam as hard as she could, breaking the surface and taking in a large breath, seeing black spots in her vision and starting her swim toward the Fugaku, legs feeling like stone. Ren wasn't even moving, his lips parted and his eyes staring blankly ahead, but he twitched a few times, showing he wasn't dead. Not yet anyway. When he saw something moving toward him, a few bubbles escaped his mouth and he closed his eyes, feeling like his chest was going to explode.
Ren was like a sopping wet rag doll, having to have two men haul him onto the deck. "Aniki, he ain't breathin'!" Ren laid still, dull green eyes staring up at nothing, lips parted slightly and tinted blue. Nana was already on deck, still trying to catch her own breath, frowning when she saw Ren wasn't moving or breathing. "No.."

((He's totes gonna make it~))
Ren's body stiffened and he pulled away from Motochika, rolling on his side and coughing up sea water, gasping in air like a fish out of water. "What, no kiss?" Ren's voice sounded in Motochika's head as the young pirate cleared his lungs of water, looking exhausted.
Two men helped Ren down below the deck, and the rest moved to reload the cannon or man the smaller cannons. Nana loaded a cannon, aiming for the mast and firing, the others doing the same , blowing holes in the sides and aiming for the other cannons.
Motonari's ship was being blown every which way, and soon, it started to retreat. "Mori's retreating!" Some of the men cheered, still firing until his ship was out of range of the cannons.
They all cheered, dropping anchor and heading back to their home. Nana held her right side tenderly, just below her shoulder blade on her back, a soft frown on her face as she went to go have her nose set back into place and her ribs checked out.
Motochika looked to Nana and moved over, "You alright? Looks like they did a nasty number on you..." He gently grasped her chin and tilted her head gently from side to side to look over her face
Nana's bruised cheeks flushed pink and she looked away. "I'm alright.. Ren got the worst of it, my injuries are nothing compared to his." She said softly.
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