Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Akihime's eyes widened, "N-Nani?! O-Oh, sweet Buddha...! Yukimura-sama will never forgive me!" She began to sob, covering her face in shame
She cried more, feeling absolutely horrible. The door opened and Motochika entered, "Come on, Ren. We're leaving. Let the whore cry-." "I am not a whore!!" Akihime spat at him. Motochika scowled heavily, "You're lucky I don't hit women." He hissed
Ren flinched and stood awkwardly where he was, looking from Akihime to Motochika. "Ah... Of course, Cap'n..."
Ren looked shocked. "So... He was a she..?" He mulled it over for a while and looked up. "Is he- uh, she goin' to stay with us?"
"But she lied and betrayed ya, cap'n!" He said, surprised that he hadn't already kicked her out. "Not that I'm questionin' ya, I'm just surprised..!"
((Oh jeeze xD This is gonna be interesting..!))

Ren made a face, but nodded. "I, uh... I'll bring ya car back in one piece, Cap'n... I promise." He said, giving a sheepish grin.
"A-Aye." Ren got in the car and drove off, following Motochika home. Back at the large estate Motochika lived in, Nana was pushing herself harder and harder, hair pulled back as she did push-ups, sweat on her face. After doing two sets of a hundred she moved over to get her water, panting softly.
Nana looked over, drinking some more water before moving to go lift weights, not partaking in the greeting. Ren gave a small wave, grinning brightly before looking over to Nana, staring at her. It was so weird that she had been deceiving them all for so long.
Ren's cheeks flushed, looking away quickly and nodding. Nana sighed heavily and sat down, closing her eyes and rubbing the back of her neck, pouring a bit of water on her neck.
Nana looked up from cleaning the dishes from lunch, frowning. "Just call me Nana... Drop the "chan"." She muttered, turning to see what they had gotten, drying her hands on a small cloth.
They grinned and held out a frilly maid dress to her, "Here, Nana-chan! We hope you like it! We got the least revealing one we could find!"
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