Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Nana's face turned beet red and her expression was between appalled and horrified. "I'm not wearing a maids uniform..! I'm still apart of this crew!"
Nana clenched her fists and snatched the dress away from the guard. "Fine. I'll wear it." She said, storming off to her room to change into the outfit. Stripping out of her normal clothing she put on the maids outfit, tying the bow in the back and pulling on the white stockings, looking at herself in the mirror. "Oh my god..." She muttered, suddenly feeling very self conscious. She pulled the hair tie from her hair and brushed it, trying to pull the skirt lower. "It's so short..." She murmured.
((She hates skirts, so she never wore them, and even something that goes to her knees is too short~ She's more of a pants gal~))

Nana came out in the low heeled black shoes, walking briskly down the hall. She wished desperately to rip the frills off of her shoulders and toss the dress into the sea, refusing to make eye contact as she returned to her chores.
Nana clenched and unclenched her fists as she walked, picking up clothes that had been left laying around, growling in frustration when one of the men spilled their sake on the ground. Grabbing a towel she moved over, getting on her hands and knees to clean it up.
A good portion of the men couldn't help but laugh at her. The once super tough "Ichiro" now a petite little maid. Motochika made a noise and drank his sake
Nana bit her lip hard and stood, going to the kitchen to rinse out the rag, cheeks burning red. She ran a hand through her hair and let out a shaky sigh, she could still kick any of third asses in close combat, but just because she was wearing a dress they found her hilarious. She gripped the sink and kicked the wall hard, glaring down at the metal basin.
Nana lifted her head slightly, frowning. "I'm not bothered. I'm humiliated." She muttered lowly. "I used to be approached to help train the newer members, now I'm approached so I can get someone more sake or clean up their mess." She said bitterly.
Nana made a noise and moved away from the sink. "I'm burning this dress when this is over." She muttered as she walked past him, going to sweep the halls.
Nana tensed and her face flushed pink, glancing at Motochika before hurrying off to complete her daily chores.
After finishing all her chores Motochika had given her, Nana went straight to her room to change, putting on her normal clothes then moving over to get her pistol, checking it and cleaning it before going to the lounge for a drink.
((Can we start the war~~? Motonari's gonna be a dick! Also, are they on the sea side? Like do they still have the Fugaku?))
((Hell yee they still have the Fugaku! Its a massive brig that Motochika took from the military and remodeled so they couldn't take it back...!))

A large explosion shook the entire estate, smoke coming from the lounge. The entire lounge had been destroyed and a large hole was blasted in the side of the wall. Nana had grabbed her gun and moved to Motochika's room. "Aniki! We're under attack, and they fly Mori's flag...!" She reported, some of the men who hadn't been in the lounge getting their weapons and readying themselves for the next possible attack.
"Aniki!" They all cheered, getting their guns and heading to the docks to board the Fugaku and prepare for battle. Ren got his shot guns from his room, slinging one over his shoulder and carrying the other. A large ship stood a couple hundred knots out, canons aimed for Motochika's estate. Motonari sat in the large office under the deck, looking over the plans with his advisor.
Motochika took control of the helm and started barking orders, "Let's go! Weigh anchor! Let's sink that bastard Motonari's ship and send him to Davy Jones' locker!!"
As the men worked quickly on raising the anchor and preparing the large cannon, another one of Motochika's crew came running up the docks toward Chosokabe. "Aniki! Aniki!" He was brusied up and had a few bumps and cuts on him, but other then that, he was fine. "They took Ren! They blew a hole in the lounge and Mori's army swarmed in! They grabbed Ren and killed the men who hadn't regained consciousness yet!" He reported. "They nabbed someone else, but he already had a bag on his head, I couldn't see his face, forgive me, Aniki!"
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