Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Nana started to cook, glancing over her shoulder at him as she worked, a bit bothered that he was watching her so closely.
Nana's dark eyes narrowed slightly and she continued cooking, preparing everyone's meal in a tense silence.
"No, please excuse my bad mood, I had a restless night." She said quietly, finishing making the food.
Nana set a plate of food in front of Motochika, a soft frown on her face as she moved over to clean off her hands.
He started eating and made a noise, "You may wanna step back." He said before putting his fingers in his mouth and whistling loudly. A soft rumble sounded before the stampede of men made its way to the kitchen
Nana moved out of the way of the stampeding men, knowing how it was like in the morning when there was food. Sighing softly she watched as every man filed into the dining area, all eyes on the food.
"All right, you sons of bitches! Grab a plate, single file line! No more than two scoops of food!" He said. He smirked, "And you can all thank Nana-chan for breakfast." "Arigatou, Nana-chaaaaan~~" They all said with teasig tones
Nana scowled and stiffened, hating how they thanked her. It wasn't at all sincere. She ground her teeth and muttered softly under her breath, turning to get her own plate of food.
Nana's anger started to grow. She was still apart of the crew and didn't want to be treated any differently than the men she ran with. "I'll wait just like everyone else." She muttered, moving to the back of the line.
After Nana got her food, she moved to the furthest table occupied by no one and sat down, eating by herself and ignoring the staring and comments.
Motochika finished up and dropped his plate in the sink, "Be gentle with Nana-chan while I'm gone, I have to pluck a barnackle." He said as he headed out. "Hai, Aniki!"
Nana gripped her fork hard and finished her food, shoveling the rest in her mouth before getting up to put it in the sink, she'd wash them later, right now she needed to blow off steam. Heading down to the gym she wrapped her fists and started to attack the punching bag, glaring death at the bag as she kicked it hard, then went in for a few punches.
Once Akihime had woken up, Ren had asked to see her and once he entered her room, he dropped to his knees and started to apologize. "I'm so sorry! I-I was drinkin' and even though tha' doesn' excuse me, I'm still so sorry!"
"Um..." Ren rubbed the back of his neck, standing up off the floor. " last night was my initiation into Chosokabe-sama's crew... And... Well... We slept together." He said, glancing up at her.
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