Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

She nodded, slowly moving away from him before heading to the healer. Once there she sat down on a cot, telling the healer what had gone on, and once her nose was set, he bowed to her before turning away to leave. "Matte..." She frowned heavily. "I have a... Burn I need you to look at." She said. "Alright, let me see it." She turned around and pulled the back of her shirt up. Just below her shoulder blade on her back was a branding, Mori's crest symbol was burned into her flesh. "Is there anything you can do about it?" She asked as he cleaned it carefully. "Right now... No, you'll have to wait for it to heal before anything can be done about it..." The healer said, rubbing an ointment on the burn, making her hiss through her teeth.

((*flips a table*))

Motochika helped Ren inside, "Run off to help some no named woman and then you get captured by Mori. You're a magnet for trouble, lad." He teased
Ren laughed weakly, leaning against Motochika and limping heavily. When he saw Nana, he frowned heavily. The healer had just finished wrapping the burn and she pulled her shirt down before Motochika could see, Nana and Ren's eyes meeting. She gave him a look that told him to be quiet about the branding and stood. "At least you're up and talking, Ren." She said, nodding sligtly to them. "I'll be in my room, I think I need to lay down for a bit." She said before leaving.

Motochika helped Ren sit down for the healer, "I want a full report on what happened when you're well again. I need more reasons to slit that fucker's throat."
She stopped in the doorway and nodded. "Aye." She said softly before heading to her room, pulling off her wet clothes once she was in her room, pulling on some dry clothes before laying down in bed, falling asleep almost instantly. The healer went to work on Ren, popping his arm back into place before setting his hand in a cast.
((Nightmare time~!))

Nana stumbled down a set of stairs, being dragged by two men who she couldn't see do to the bag over her head, back of her head throbbing from being hit in the back of the head while searching for anyone who was injured in the lounge. She could hear that they had caught someone else from the sounds of a struggle behind her. Then she hit the floor with a grunt, being tossed to the ground, the sound of iron slamming behind her. She sat up quick and tore the bag off of her head, frowning heavily when she saw that she was in a cell, and Ren in the cell beside her. "Ren, daijoubu?" She moved over, and he groaned. "Aye.." He muttered, pulling the bag off of his head and rubbing the side of his head. "Where are we?" "On a ship... Mori's I think.." She muttered, glancing behind her when she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "Well well, two of Motochika's little dock rats, eh?" "Is that a.. Woman?" "What do you mean, they don't have any women- you're right..!" Nana hissed lowly and bit her lip, glaring at the three men gawking at her. "Well, Motonari-sama said to get information out of you since we had you in custody..~ I think we'll start with this little Siren~" The cell door opened and Nana got to her feet, only to have the butt of a gun slammed into her nose, knocking her to the ground with a grunt. "Nana-san!" Ren got to his feet and bore his teeth at the men. "Don' touch her!" "Urusai!" The man who had hit Nana, pointed his gun at Ren, the other two moving over to Nana as she tried to get up. She wheezed when a foot caught her in the side, knocking her down again before she was kicked onto her back, a heavy weight moving on top of her. Nana's eyes widened as hands pulled roughly at the belt keeping her pants on, making her try to throw the man off, but the other grabbed her wrists and held them firmly over her head. "Just relax~" "Get off'a her!!" Ren snapped, only to be fired at, the bullet nearly hitting his side. Fear clawed at Nana's chest as he yanked her belt off, working on her pants. "Get off!" She thrashed, eyes wide as he started to struggle getting her pants down. "What are you fools doing?" A fourth voice sounded, Mori himself coming down the stairs. "This isn't time to enjoy yourselves, get off the wench." All three men quickly left Nana's cell, looking nervous. "Gomena-" "Shut up, I don't want excuses." He looked to Nana who was pulling her belt back on hurriedly. "You." He looked to the largest man. "Take care of the young male, you two, hold the wench down, I have a parting gift I'd like to send Chosokabe." Mori moved over to the small forge like fire, pulling out a red hot metal brand and moving over to Nana's cell, the two men struggling to pin her again. Nana's eyes widened when they pinned her to the ground, yanking the back of her shirt up. She could feel the heat even before the metal was pressed to her skin, and once it was pressed firmly against her flesh she tensed hard and screamed loudly in agony, her vision blurring for a moment, the sound of Ren being beaten and the smell of burning flesh overwhelming her.
Nana sat up quickly, breathing hard. It was dark in her room, so she must've been sleeping for a while. Her side ached and stung with a cruel vengeance, making her get up slowly and turn on her light, pulling her shirt over her head and turning to look at it in the mirror, slowly unwrapping the bandages and touching the mark with trembling fingers.

Motochika sat at his desk in his room, drinking rum like water as he looked over the repairs for the estate. It would cost him a pretty penny to fix up the gaping hole in the wall; many sharks to hunt and skin, many military ships to raid - work, work, work.
A soft knock came at Motochika's door before opening. "Aniki.. Only a few men were hurt, none killed, the injured are in the infirmary getting patched up and the others are cleaning out the lounge; a storms coming soon." Nana reported, sitting in the chair in front of his desk, wearing one of her old training shirts, something she usually wore to bed.
"I could ask the same of you... Just a restless sleep, I decided to make sure you weren't up here pulling your hair out." She said, pulling one knee against her chest.
She nodded, then made a small noise. "Shall I give my report now, Aniki..? Or shall it wait until morning?"
"Aye... I was searching for any critically injured men when one of Mori's men struck me from behind, and after making it so I couldn't see they took me aboard their ship. They must've found Ren as well because he was there in the cells with me. After, uh, showing who had the superior power in the situation... Mori himself came to the cells said I was to deliver a special gift to you.." She bit her lip and stood, slowly turning and pulling the back of her shirt up, carefully removing the bandages to show him Mori's symbol, burned into her flesh just below her shoulder blade. The cold air made the burn ache, her gaze dropping to the floor.
Nana frowned heavily when she heard the glass shatter and she lowered her shirt, turning to face him. "I don't want that bastards symbol anywhere on my flesh... That's why I must ask you to destroy it and make it void." She said.
"I would rather prefer the pain of a new burn over keeping this mark on me." She said sternly, eyes steely.
Nana nodded. "Arigatou, Aniki." She said, sitting down again, shifting when her burn was rubbed against.
Nana took the glass and brought it to her lips, taking a few large drinks before setting the empty glass on the desk, letting out a deep breath. "Exspensive... Get it off a military ship?"
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