Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Iisaka fumed and looked to Hidemune, "Honey...don't you want to be with your Okaa-sama?" She asked leadingly. Hidemune frowned and shook his head, "Gomen...I want to stay with Otou-sama and Megohime-dono..."
Megohime watched silently, wishing Iisaka would leave. Jakuzure stood beside Hidemune, scuffing her shoe lightly on the ground.
"Get. Out." Masamune growled at Iisaka. She huffed and turned on her heel, storming away. Hidemune sighed sadly, "Ja ne, Okaa-sama..." He muttered. "Hidemune." Masamune said, making the boy look over, "You got work to do." "Hai!" Hidemune nodded and pulled Jakuzure along. Masamune smirked softly, "Good kid.."
Jakuzure followed Hidemune with a soft smile, enjoying having him holding her hand.

Megohime looked over to Masamune, eyebrow raised. "Hard to believe she birthed a kid like Hidemune.."
Hidemune took her to his room, which was a small little guest room Masamune had, "Ok, you stay here while I finish up my work. I shouldn't take very long, I promise."

"Sad, ain't it? Such a vile woman having a sweet kid like Hidemune...wonder where he gets it from.." Masamune said. He started heading down the hall, "I'll be doin' some target practice if you need me.."
Jakuzure shook her head. "I'll be fine..! I can wait." She said, taking a seat on his bed.

Megohime made a noise and turned. "Unless you can carry and birth our child for me for the rest of the term, I'll be in my workshop." She said, heading for her room.
Jingu stopped Hidemune as he rushed down the hall. "I'll finish the chores, go hang out with your girlfriend."
Jingu smiled softly. "Of course not, forgive me, Hidemune-dono." She said. "Please, go be with your friend, I'll finish up here."
"Hai! Jingu-dono said she'd finish up for me...hopefully Otou-sama won't notice the difference..!" He grinned and moved over, sitting next to her
Jakuzure's cheeks flushed pink and she looked to her hands resting in her lap. "S-So what do you want to do..?"
She shifted closer, glancing up at him. "I've... Never really been this close to another man before either, to tell you the truth..." She murmured.
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