Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

((Right! Let's get started!))

Yukimura awoke early that morning with a bad feeling in his gut, so after showering and getting his gear on he grabbed his gun and headed down to the range for practice, a soft frown on his face.

((Should she already be gone or not yet?))
"I let her sleep in, she was up late training, I'll wake her in a minute." He said, firing off another round and hitting right in the middle of the target.
After five more minutes of practicing, Yukimura set down his gun and glanced to Sasuke before heading off to wake Akihime. Knocking on her door and cleared his throat. "Akihime?"
Assuming she was just sleeping heavily, Yukimura entered, only to freeze at the sight before him. Akihime's bed was torn apart, her gun on the ground and the window wide open. He ran to the window and looked outside, but whoever had taken her had done it while everyone was asleep.
((I got this~))

Yukimura burst through the door of the training range, trying not to startle Sasuke, but this was urgent. By now Amaya had awoken and was practicing with Sasuke, flinching slightly when the door slammed open. "She's been taken." Yukimura said.
Amaya's eyes widened and she turned to Yukimura, quickly reaching into her pocket and pulling out a small, smooth stone, rubbing her thumb against it. "A-Are you sure she didn't just leave." "She's smart enough to know to never leave without her gun." He said, glancing to Sasuke. "Her rooms a mess and she didn't tell me she was leaving, she was taken for sure."
((Indeed~ It was a present from Aki~))

"I don't know, but we need to start searching for clues, Amaya, can you handle searching her room for anything?" Amaya nodded, leaving hurriedly to search Akihime's room for clues. "Sasuke, you and I will head out and search for anything on the streets."

((How shall we start with drunken pirates~?))
((Kawaii~ andwedoitlikedhis!!))

Motochika sat with his gang, laughing and enjoying a nice morning drink. "Now then! As you all well know, too initiate our newest barnackles into our crew, we find them a wench to leave their last bits of boyhood with!" "Aniki! Aniki! Aniki!" "So, for our newest - and youngest barnackle - we found him a right proper wench to bed with!"
((Oh gods~~))

Ren sat with a bottle of sake in hand, cheeks flushed pink after a long morning of drinking, which took a bit of coaxing and name calling before he would even touch the bottle. "Ah, cap'n ya din' hav'ta..~" He slurred with a grin, drinking more sake.
"Nonesense! Bring her in!" Motochika said. A couple of the men brought in a staggering Akihime, who had been dressed in a see through black lace piece of lingerie by the slavers they bought her from. Her long red-brown hair was down and curled to make her look more sexually appealing
Ren's face flushed deep red when Akihime entered, fidgeting in his chair. He stood and staggered, setting the sake bottle on the table before moving over to Akihime, reaching out and taking her by the wrist, shyly leading her back towards his room, stumbling every now and again. Once in his room he closed and locked the door behind him and in his drunken haze, he pushed Akihime down on the bed gently, moving over her and kissing her softly, hands roaming her body.
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