Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

After a while, a nurse approached him, "Its a good thing you got her here when you did...any longer and she would be dead." She told him, "Now, standard questions; do you know her name?"
He shook his head, looking up at her. "N-Na... I don'." He said with a frown. "Is she alrigh'? Is she gonna live?" He asked, concern showing on his face.
The nurse frowned and mumbled "Jane Doe" under her breath as she wrote on her clipboard, "She's fine now, we're flushing out the drugs. Its only correct to assume that you have no relation to her as well?"
Ren nodded and sat down, rubbing his face and closing his eyes. He knew that he should have turned down the "party" but he was a bit of a pushover when he was pressured. Thinking back on it, he had to go through the same thing.

Ren stumbled through a door he had never seen before, head light and fogged with sweet opium that he had been forced to take, well, more like he took willingly. He was tired and hungry, nabbed right off the streets. Now he was showered and groomed, for what reason he didn't know, all he knew was he felt great. His thoughts were interrupted when he was shoved forward again falling to his hands an knees before a man with one eye, clouded hazel eyes focusing on the man before him.
"This isn't exactly what I had in mind, but I suppose you'll have to do." Motochika said dully, eyes full of disappointment, "There ain't any pretty wenches left? Just him?"
Ren's head spun, and he stayed where he was, his movements sluggish. "I'm sorry sir, but there are no more women.. But he's the most attractive and youngest out of all of them." The trader said, grabbing Ren's shaggy red hair and pulling his head up so Motochika could look at his face without all of his hair hiding it. Ren winced, being pulled to his knees and forced to face Motochika, tan eyes flecked with dark green, pale skin smooth and unmarred, he almost looked a bit feminine, but he was only in his mid teens.
"He will perform wonderfully, sir." The man let go of Ren, who fell back to his hands and knees, sitting on the ground and looking up at Motochika with a faint frown.
"If ya think... That I'm gonna pleasure ya... Ya wron'." Ren mumbled, eyelids heavy. "The only thin' I'll do for ya, is spit on ya.." He spoke slowly, like it took all of his concentration, and with the amount of drugs he was on, it did.
Even in his drugged state, Ren was able to spit on Motochika, glared at him. "Fuck off.." He growled. "I'm not suckin' yer dick.."
"Sa what, ya gonna get my blood everywhere, then wha'? You're still gonna be frustrated an' ya know it." He hissed through his teeth, pain flaring in his scalp.
Motochika grew increasingly annoyed and started undoing his pants, freeing his aching need, "Look, I would rather it be someone else, but you deal the hand you're dealt...!"
Ren's entire face flushed red and he couldn't help but gawk a little, his own manhood twitching slightly. "Then take car'a yerself!" He snapped, panicking a bit.
"Sorry. I paid for someone to do it for me. You just happen to be the person who has to care for me. I'll be gentle until you start complying." He said and forced Ren closer.
Ren felt the heat rise in his face, and he tried to fight Motochika, but something inside of him urged him not to. He took the head of Motochika's length into his mouth, closing his eyes and licking the sensitive head, careful of his teeth.
Ren made soft noises as he worked his tongue, taking more of his length into his mouth, gripping the fabric of Motochika's pants, feeling his manhood slowly become harder.
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