Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"You don't have to be anyone's replacement." Jakuzure looked up at Hidemune, reaching out and cupping his cheek before leaning up to kiss him softly.
Jakuzure's cheeks were a deep shade of red as she held onto his shoulders, making soft noises of enjoyment.
Jakuzure pulled back to breath, breath coming out in short puffs against his neck, cheeks flushed; kissing him again she pressed herself flush against him, closing her eyes once more.
A low moan sounded from Hidemune's chest as his hands roamed her body. He jumped when the door opened and he looked, Masamune standing there with his arms crossed, "O-Otou-sama!"
Masamune threw something at him and Hidemune looked. His eyes widened and his face flushed crimson, "A-A condom!?" "Don't be stupid like me, kid, wear a rain coat." He said and left, shutting the door behind him. Hidemune covered his face, completely embarrassed
Jakuzure sat there, nearly just as embarrassed. "A-Ano... I-I guess he's right..." She murmured finally.

((I've never heard of someone calling a condom a raincoat. xD))
((Nah, typically we call it a sleeve or sometimes a rubber, but never a raincoat..!))

Jakuzure glanced at him, face flushed. "B-Better to be safe than sorry..?" She said, giving him a meek smile.
((*giggles* Well, here in our tiny little isolated town, we call them raincoats or gloves~~))

Hidemune turned beat red and looked away, "I-I-I-I don't want you thinking you h-h-have to do that with me...!"

Jakuzure gently cupped his cheek and turned his head so she could look him in the eyes. "We don't have to right now..." She said softly. "I do like you, Hidemune-san..." She said gently.
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