Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Amaya's gun had just been seized when she fired, but it was too late. The glass shattered and Masamune went down. "No! Why would you do that!?" Amaya let to of her gun, letting Akihime take it from her, turning and looking at Akihime with distraught eyes. "He was going to kill you! He murdered Hideyoshi-sama and he's going to murder you too!"

Megohime was on her way up the stairs when she heard the loud sound of a gunshot followed by shattering glass and a heavy thud. "Masamune!" She ran up the stairs, hurrying to the study.
"Ama, what are you talking about...!? Ieyasu-kun killed Hideyoshi...! Go back to the estate...! Hayaku...!" Akihime said

"Masamune-sama!!" Kojurou checked him over. The bullet merely grazed him but he was still losing a bit of blood. Putting pressure on the wound, Kojurou looked out to see who had fired at his master. His eyes narrowed, spotting Akihime.
Megohime rushed over and crouched down beside Kojurou, looking down at Masamune with wide eyes. "Is he dead..? No... It just grazed him." She murmured, then looked down at Masamune. "Who shot him?"

Amaya froze, looking at Akihime. "But he said... No, th-that can't be right..! Hideyoshi-sama himself sent a messenger to me! He said I needed to protect you!"
"That woman." Kojurou said lowly, eyes locked on Akihime.

"Ama, Hideyoshi is dead. He couldn't have sent anyone to see you. I won't ask you again: go back to the estate." Akihime said firmly
Megohime's eyes narrowed and she followed his gaze, glaring at the woman on the roof across the street. "She's both a lousy shot and stupid." She hissed. "We can deal with it later, we should get Masamune to the medic." She said.

Amaya swallowed hard, bowing her head quickly before hurrying off, running back to the estate and directly to her room.
Megohime frowned and helped him carry Masamune down the stairs, careful she didn't hit her slightly swollen stomach against the railing.

Amaya sat in her room, head in her hands and staring at the floor in shame.
Kojurou laid Masamune on the cot gently, sighing softly, "I'll have to look into who that woman is."

Akihime entered Amaya's room and closed the door behind her, standing there, "Amaya, what's wrong...I want answers..." She said gently
Megohime nodded, pulling up a chair. "I'll sit here with him, you go see who it was." She said, taking Masamune's hand and gently lacing her fingers with his.

Amaya didn't look up. "I... I keep seeing him..." She said. "Mitsunari-sama... I feel he knows I am still alive and is coming after me.. I'm going crazy.." She curled up tightly, hugging herself.
Kojurou nodded and went to do some research

Akihime frowned and moved over, " aren't crazy...we can fix this...I'm sure of it...its just trauma..."
Megohime brushed his hair back from his face, cupping his cheek gently and looking at the graze on the side of his head, scowling softly.

Amaya looked up at Akihime with tear filled eyes. "Aki-chan, what have I done..? I was given redemption and I failed..!"
((*ditches Masa for now*))

"Oh, Amaya, no you haven't..." Akihime moved over and knelt in front of her, "You haven't failed...Buddha is testing you...I have faith that you will not be unsuccessul in your attempts in redemption..." She gently pet Amaya's cheek, "I'm here for you...if you think you see Mitsunari again, come to me and I will comfort you...does that sound good?"
Amaya sniffled and nodded, then moved forward and hugged Akihime tightly. "Please don't leave me again, Aki-chan." She pleaded. "My heart could not take any more loss."
Akihime hugged Amaya tight, "I swear I'll stay by you until the gates of Paradise open...and even then, we will enter side by side...just as we promised as children..."
Amaya cried into her chest, nodding. "I promise I'll do my best, Aki-chan..!" She cried, muffled by her shirt. "I promise!"
"I'll keep you company...we can catch up...!" Akihime smiled, "I'll be back...!" She rushed off to grab her pajamas to change into, as well as a towel and under garments
Amaya gathered the last of her things and waited for Akihime outside of her room, scuffing her boot on the floor.
Akihime trotted over and smiled, "Ikuzo...~! I'll take you to the bath house...! And then we can relax and talk...!" She smiled and gently took Amaya's hand, leading her down the stairs and out the back
Amaya followed Akihime out to the bathhouse and once there she made sure no one was else was around before hesitantly undressing then getting into the water, cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

((She's shy about her body~))
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