Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Amaya stiffened and looked up, eyes wide with terror. "A... Akihime.. Dono.." She stared, confused before quickly getting to her feet, cheeks red. "I-I'm sorry... I just... Please excuse me." She said before quickly running to her room, slamming the door behind her and slumping to the ground, covering her mouth and letting tears flow down her cheeks.
Akihime followed after her, "Ama...! Matte...!" She called. She knocked on Amaya's door, "Amaya, please talk to me...I want to help...!"
Amaya curled up tightly, lower lip quivering. "I-I'm fine! I promise!" She said, trying to keep her voice from cracking. "I'm just tired..!" She said, wiping her eyes.
Amaya stood up and moved over to the door, opening it and looking up at Akihime, except it wasn't Akihime. Her eyes went wide when she saw Mitsunari, his gun leveled at her head; she lost it and screamed, charging forward and gripping his neck tightly, knocking him to the ground and slamming his head into the floor, eyes wide and full of tears. "I won't go back! I'm not going back!" She screamed, buzzing in her ears. Yukimura heard the screaming first and hurrying to see what had happened. When he came upon Amaya slamming Akihime's head against the floor, hands wrapped around her throat he ran over and ripped Amaya away, holding her down on the floor.
"She was strangling Akihime!" Yukimura said angrily, Amaya muttering weakly, tears flowing down the side of her face. "I don't want to go back, don't make me go back.." She stared off at the wall, trembling under Yukimura's tight grip. He hauled her off the floor and moved over to Sasuke, pushing her over to him. "She needs to be disciplined." He said, moving over to Akihime to help her up.
Sasuke grabbed Amaya and frowned softly, gently escourting her, "Let's go..." He said. Akihime stumbled to her feet, falling against Yukimura.
Amaya followed Sasuke, glancing over her shoulder to see if Mitsunari was still there, but instead she saw Akihime. Her eyes widened and she looked to Sasuke. "I-I didn't... But he was.. I'm so sorry..!" She said, guilt washing over her.

Yukimura steadied her, holding her up by her shoulders. "Are you okay? What happened?"
Sasuke shook his head, "Just follow me..."

Akihime looked up at him, dazed, "I just...wanted to know...what was wrong..." She said weakly
Amaya looked down at the ground, nodding and swallowing hard. "H-Hai..." She murmured, keeping pace with him.

"I though you two were good friends? But by the look on her face she either looked extremely angry or scared... Maybe both." He said.
Sasuke took her down to the interrogation room and sat her down, "What happened?"

"Maybe...she was triggered...l-like I am sometimes...when men force themselves....on me...." Akihime groaned
Amaya sat down and looked down at her hands. "I... I was in the range... And I saw Mitsunari... But it wasn't him... I guess I was only seeing things... But it seemed so real..." She said weakly, glancing up at Sasuke, ashamed of her actions. "I went to my room... And Akihime followed me... But when I opened the door it was Mitsunari again... I... I'm going crazy.." She hung her head, holding her head in her hands. "Gomenasai..! Oh gods I hurt Aki-chan!"

Yukimura cupped her cheek. "Let's go to the kitchen and get you some water."
"But I did it, I fucked up and I deserve nothing more than to be beaten." She muttered, still shaking.

((She was sorta brainwashed~))
Amaya bowed lowly, pressing her forehead to the table. "There has to be a way I can repent." She said. "I must repent for the sins I have committed..!"

((She's gonna be a treat~))
Amaya nodded. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.." She murmured. "This won't happen again."

((It totally is though~))
Amaya nodded and stood numbly, bowing stiffly to him before leaving the room, heading to her room. Once there she closed her down and moved over to her bed, getting on her knees and bowing lowly, muttering forgiveness from Hideyoshi. "Please Hideyoshi-sama... I've fallen from my path and I don't know what to do. I fear I have been corrupted and canot atone for the sins I have committed... I have even caused Mitsunari-sama to become bitter and loathing... Please... Guide me, Hideyoshi-sama, I don't know what to do..!" She begged silently, tears forming in her eyes.
((Yeah, Hideyoshi's death was hard on her, but it was super hard on Mitsunari so she became his punching bag, verbally and physically, also on top of him forcing himself on her, she kinda went a little crazy.. :'c She just wants Hideyoshi back more than anything so things can go back to the way they were.))

Yukimura was sitting with Akihime, keeping her company while he made sure she wasn't too hurt.
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