Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Sasuke blushed faintly and cleared his throat, "W-Well, now we just figure out which rifle fits you the best and you stick with it until it breaks; literally."
Amaya nodded, frowning. "I wish I had been able to bring my own gun, but it is still back with Mitsunari." She said, looking down at the gun in her hands. "I think this one will do for now actually..."
Amaya nodded, moving back and taking aim, and firing again. She breathed slowly as she practiced, using up half her ammunition before she stopped.
Amaya perked when he spoke, forgetting he had been there. Her cheeks flushed at the praise and stopped shooting. "A-Arigatou.."
"Oh, don't stop on my account, please.." Sasuke said, "I still wanna see first hand exactly why Otani holds your skill in such high regard."
"A-Alright..." Amaya's cheeks turned pink. "Could you love the targets further back then? Maybe one thousand meters or so..?" She asked, rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment.
"Well sure...I'll be really impressed if you can hit them without missing one shot." He said, pushing a button and moving the targets further back
Amaya took aim, waiting for him to stop moving the targets before looking through the scope and focusing, finger hovering over the trigger. She slowed her breathing even further, taking in a deep breath then letting it out before firing, the bullet hitting dead center.
"Hai." She bowed her head. "I'll be here practicing.... If that's alright with you..?" She asked Sasuke
Amaya waited for him to leave before moving over to the range and practicing again. When she heard footfalls behind her she blinked and lowered her gun, not expecting Sasuke back so fast. "What wro-" She froze, eyes wide when she saw it was not Sasuke, but Mitsunari. "M-Mitsunari-sama..?!"
Amaya dropped her gun, shaking and dropping to her knees, bowing lowly and pressing her forehead to the ground. "G-Gomenasai..! Gomenasai!" She said quietly. "I-I'm nothing but a lowly whore not fit to speak Hideyoshi-sama's name..!" She said, squeezing her eyes shut tight.

((Are we gonna embarrass the shit out of her, or wait until she goes completely insane~?))
((Define hardcore~?))

"I-I cannot, Mitsunari-sama..! I've taken an oath here...! Please..! I just want to be free..!" She pleaded, trembling with fear.
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