Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Yukimura rubbed her back. "It'll pass, don't worry, I'm just glad you didn't get a concussion." He said.

((We can do our plan when night hits~))
(( ψ(`∇´)ψ ))

"I don't understand why this happened...Amaya has never done this before..." She said softly. She frowned, "You'll make her leave soon, won't you, Yukimura-sama...?"
Yukimura made a face. "It isn't for me to say... She's Sasuke's subordinate now, he gets to determine if she stays or not." He said.
He nodded. "You can take it up with him, but for now I can only request that you do not encounter her again tonight." He said.
Later that night, Amaya was still bowed on the floor, begging for Hideyoshi to give her a sign or help guide her. "Please Hideyoshi-sama.." She begged tiredly. "I need guidance..."
The window opened and the wind blew in gently, "You poor unfortunate soul~" A man with long silver hair sat on the window sill, wearing a white fur-lined coat, gray button up shirt, gray slim fit jeans and a medical mask over his mouth. His purple eyes stared down at her amusedly, "I am here to help you~"
Amaya sat up quickly, wiping the tears from her eyes. "D-Did Hideyoshi-sama answer my prayers and send you to help me?" She asked weakly, looking up at the man with troubled blue eyes.
"Hai...!" Amaya nodded quickly, bowing her head. "I knew Hideyoshi-sama would answer my prayers..!" She smiled, hanging her head tiredly. "I fear I've fallen from the path Hideyoshi-sama helped me to find.. I don't know what to do..!"
"Hideyoshi-sama has forgiven you. And he is unhappy with what has become of Akihime-dono. So much so that he wants you to protect her life. A cruel man is plotting to take her from you forever~" He told her
Amaya's eyes widened. "Someone wishes to take her life from her..?" She looked up at him. "Who?" She swallowed. "What should I do?"
"Date... Masamune..?" She blinked. "Why would he try to kill Akihime-chan?" She asked.

((Psst~ She doesn't know who killed Hideyoshi~ Mitsunari never told her~ Make her hate Masamune~~))
(( o(`ω´ )o ))

Tenkai smirked under his mask, "Oh, you don't know, do you? Poor girl~ Masamune is the one who murdered Hideyoshi-sama~ and his next target is Akihime, now that she's returned from being a slave~"
Amaya went rigid and her eyes widened. "He.. He was the one who killed... Hideyoshi-sama..?" She asked weakly, then rage took ahold of her and she set her jaw. "I'll do it." She said firmly, looking up at him. "I'll kill him."
"M-Matte..!" Amaya got to her feet. "Will you bring more news from Hideyoshi-sama?" She asked. "Does he need anything else from me?" She asked eagerly.
She bowed deeply to him, moving over and closing the window. After sneaking out if her room and getting her gun from the range she slung the gun over her shoulder and looked back at the door, frowning softly before opening the window again and jumping out, heading off in search of the Date manor, climbing up on the roof and setting up, looking for a good spot and angle.
"Ama, I brought you some food in case you were-" Akihime opened the door and gasped, "Oh no...!" She rushed to the window and looked around, "Amaya...!" She called. She hopped out and went looking for her friend
Footprints in the mud led out across the yard and directly east of the manor, toward the Date manor. Amaya set her sights on the one eyed man in his study, speaking to a man with slicked back brown hair, lining up her crosshairs on his forehead, finger hovering over the trigger, her breathing slow.
Akihime ran as fast as she could, making her way to the Date manor where she spotted Amaya wih her gun, "Ama...!" She called and rushed over, reaching for the gun
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