Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Amaya smiled softly. "It sounds wonderful." She said, then there was a knock at the door. Yukimura entered, moving over to Amaya and undoing the handcuffs. "Are you able to walk?" "I may need assistance, but yes.." "Good, I have gotten you an audience with my lord, he'll determine if you'll stay or not."
Akihime smiled brightly and gently helped Amaya stand, putting her arm over her shoulder and helping her walk as well, "Daijoubu~ Oyakata-sama only looks terrifying at first..!"
((Is he gonna make her syncronize with him~? Like majestic eagles~?))

Yukimura led them up the stairs to Shingen's office, knocking before entering. Amaya held onto Akihime, entering the office and looking up at the large man before her.
((He's gonna make her under-go some tests first since she was with Mitsunari before she came there~ he didn't do it with Aklihime because she had nothing to do with Mitsunari~~))

"So, you are the sniper who betrayed Ishida Mitsunari and drove Akihime to nearly plunge the Takeda into war." Shingen stated gruffly. Akihime's cheeks flushed in embarrassment and she lowered her gaze, "Thank Buddha they didn't know I was with the Takeda..." She muttered
((Tests~? Like~?))

Amaya nodded, swallowing. "Hai, I am." She said, keeping her weight off of her injured leg.
((Testing her loyalty by making her go out on sniper specific missions with Sasuke 'ttebayou~))

"And why did you come here? I'm told it was because of Akihime." Shingen said
((Oh she's gonna be a treat~))

"Yes... Until recently I was under the impression she had passed a while ago." She said.
"I was told by Mitsunari-sama that Akihime had fallen ill and passed, when she had really been sold off to make up a debt that couldn't be payed." She said
"I don't know if any of our intentions are good in our line of work, but no, I am not here to harm anyone." She said.
"We'll have Sasuke keep an eye on you for now." Shingen said. Akihime smiled nervously, "Let's hope he's not a jerk like he is with me..." She murmured
Amaya nodded and bowed her head. "Hai." She said, looking over at Sasuke. "We should get her back to the infirmary now, the doctor said she shouldn't be moving around yet."
"Hai." Amaya limped as she walked, putting some of her weight on Akihime. Once they were gone, Yukimura looked to Shingen. "What do you think of her, my lord?"
"She seems talented," Shingen stated, "And I do not think that she would betray Akihime's trust so easily. We will give her a small ounce of trust for now until she has proven herself." Akihime helped Amaya lay down and smiled softly, "Do you want anything, Ama?"
"Understood." Yukimura said, bowing to Shingen before looking to Sasuke. "And you'll be able to handle her once she's up and running?" "No, I'm alright, but thank you." Amaya said.
Yukimura made a face but nodded, bowing once more to Shingen before leaving.

((Tiny timeskip~))

After a few days, Amaya had recovered and was in the room beside Akihime's pulling on a clean pair of shoes and lacing them up.
Amaya finished tying her shoes and stood , moving over to the door, part of her hair pulled back into a small ponytail. "Thank you, I'll head down right away." She said before giving her a small smile and heading down to the shooting range. "You wanted to see me?" She asked once she entered.
Amaya nodded, checking the ammunition before moving over and taking aim. She peered through the scope and breathed slowly, inhaling then exhaling, firing and hitting the target right in the center.
Amaya aimed at the next target, letting out air through her mouth before firing again, hitting the second target dead on as well. When she hit the third target, it, like the last one, was hit dead on. "Is that all?" She asked, lowering her gun and looking to Sasuke.
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