Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Yukimura led her out of the house quickly, telling her he'd meet her back at the estate before getting in his car and pulling out, heading out quickly.
Akihime followed him, ashamed that she had went against Yukimura's orders because her emotions got the better of her. But Amaya was her best friend and she couldn't let Mtsunari continue hurting her
(:)V It gets better~))

A nurse came out into the hall to speak with Sasuke. "We've restrained her like Yukimura-sama requested, but she won't be up and moving for a while anyways... And we've conducted a full medical report, who shall we tell it to, you or Yukimura-sama?"
((Do you~?))

"A few ribs were cracked and she has a major concussion, she'll have quite a bit of bruising and the gun shot to her leg severed an artery, thankfully she made it in time." She flipped through her papers. "Also... There is recent vaginal tearing, and upon further inspection, there is older scar tissue along the vaginal walls."
((Well, rereading earlier, I was wondering why she was protecting her stomach when Mitsunari was beating her...))

Sasuke frowned and sighed, "Great, another rape victim to deal with...." He muttered dryly, "Anything else...?"
((Oh! So he wouldn't rupture anything when he was kicking her! :B))

The woman shook her head. "No, that's everything, Sasuke-dono." She said, bowing before leaving.

((Sasuke's gonna be kinda a dick to her huh~?))
Yukimura came inside with Akihime, frowning heavily and moving over to Sasuke. "The girl?" He asked. "Has any news come on her?"
"Cuts, bruises, broken ribs...rape scaring..." "What...!?" Akihime gasped. Sasuke sighed, "The healer said she had sme old and new scaring from forced intercourse..." He answered. Akihime began to tremble, tears in her eyes, "I'll be at the combat range...!" She spat and left quickly
Yukimura heaved a heavy sigh and looked to Sasuke. "When she regains consciousness, question her. Get all the information out of her by any means necessary." He said. "I'll be back." He said and left, going after Akihime to see what she knew.
Yukimura entered the combat range and frowned, watching Akihime try to bludgeon the dummy into nothing. "Akihime, we need to talk about that woman; you called her Amaya?"
"She's not here to kill you, if that's what you're thinking." Akihime growled out. She stopped and turned to Yukimura, "Spar with me, Yukimura-sama."
Yukimura frowned. "I think you're under a lot of stress and need to sit down so we can talk." He said calmly.
Yukimura sat down in front of her, sighing softly. "I'll be honest, right now until she is cleared from our suspicions, she will be kept under lock and key. Sasuke will interrogate her and even after then we will watch her closely."
Akihime glared and crossed her arms, "That isn't fair, Yukimura. She comes to our doorstep, bleeding and dying and you suspect her of being hired to kill you and Oyakata-sama?" She turned away from him, "I have nothing more to say to you if all you do is try and convince me that Ama is here for the wrong reaaons."
Yukimura frowned. "I don't want to do this... But it's the rules... I promise we'll be very gentle, and no physical treatment." He leaned forward and cupped her cheek. "I know she means a lot to you, and that she's your friend... But we just need to know everything we can about Mitsunari and Yoshitsugu."
Akihime averted her gaze from him, refusing to look at him; cuz if she did, she would cave and do whatever he said like a loyal pup. And she wanted to stand her gound this time
"Akihime, please." He said. "She has a safe place here, but that is only if we know the entire truth."
"I'm telling you the whole truth...! Ama is a good person! This isn't a trick, Yukimura-sama, I know her better than anyone...!" She said, looking him in the eyes, "Ama is here because I asked her to come here to get away from Mitsunari...! He's been beating her since I've known her and I couldn't let her stay there any longer...! Please trust me...!"
Yukimura nodded. "I believe you... But Sasuke still needs to ask a few questions." He said. "I'll tell him to be kind.." He said, slowly leaning forward slightly.
Yukimura couldn't help it, he leaned in and kissed her softly, just a simple kiss that wasn't demanding or greedy.
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