Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Akihime rushed down the stairs and nearly screamed, "Amaya!!" She moved over quickly, "Oh my God...! No, Ama..!" "Explain later, she needs medical attention!" Sasuke said and hurried to the medical wing. Akihime covered her mouth as tears fell down her cheeks
Yukimura stopped Akihime, frowning softly. "I need you to tell me about her." He said sternly. "Who is she?" Amaya remained unconscious as the doctor removed the bullet from her thigh, a breathing mask over her nose and mouth and an I.V drip in her arm. The nurse helped by cleaning her up and checking for any other injuries.
"Sh-She's been my friend since I started living with Yoshitsugu and Mitsunari...we were inseperable. M-Mitsunari would beat her if she made a mistake but I never thought he'd go this far.." She hiccuped. Her eyes hardened and she moved passed Yukimura, "I'll kill him."
Yukimura grabbed her wrist. "You can't just storm in and attack both Mitsunari and Yoshitsugu. Not only will you die, you'll throw the Takeda into a war." He said. "We'll take care of your friend and in the morning I'll see what my lord want to do." He said. "Please go back to your room." He said gently.

((She's still gonna go, huh~?))
Yukimura sighed softly, heading down to the medical wing and stopping beside Sasuke. "Put her in cuffs, when she wakes up- if she wakes up- we don't know if this is a ploy or not, until she is fully proven innocent, she is our enemy here to kill us." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I need to consult our Lord on this matter."
Sasuke nodded but blinked when he heard a screeching noise. Running outside, he saw Akihime peel out of the garage and down the street, "Otani!!"
Yukimura had followed Sasuke, but didn't try to run out after her. "Take care of the girl, I'll have to wake my lord." He said and hurried up the stairs, knocking on the large doors at the end of the hall. "Oyakata-sama?"
"A woman has come to us gravely injured and Akihime has claimed to have relations to her, a close childhood friend. I have put Sasuke on guard in case the worst happens and she is here to kill anyone or gain information. Also... Akihime has taken a car and has gone after Mitsunari."
Yukimura flinched. "I'll head out right away, Oyakata-sama, I only wanted you to know of the situation." He said.
"Hai!" Yukimura nodded and hurried off, checking that his guns were fully loaded before getting into the extra car and quickly speeding off, scowling softly.
Akihime pulled up to Mitsunari's estate and climbed out of the car, punching in her code for the gate before storming up the path. The guards didn't know what to do and were easily felled by her improved skill. Ahe forced her way inside and growled, "Yoshitsugu!! Mitsunari!!" She shouted, "Show yourselves!!"
Yukimura pulled up the the house five minutes after Akihime had, drawing his guns and rushing inside. He hissed when he saw the inside of the hallway; it looked like a battle field. Bullet holes peppered the wall, some blood on the floor. "Shit.." He hurried down the hall, looking for Akihime, but also keeping an eye out for Mitsunari.
"Welcome home, dearest Akihime~" "Cut the crap, Yoshitsugu. Where's Mitsunari?" Akihime growled. Yoshitsugu turned when he heard footsteps; Mitsunari angrily makig his way over. "How dare you disgrace the house Lord Hideyoshi has left me, you lowly filth!" "How dare you beat my best friend to near death!! And you, father. Selling off your seventeen year old daughter to be some Yakuza play toy! I'll send you both to Hell for what you've done to me and Ama!!"
Yukimura pressed himself to the wall, listening to the voices. Mitsunari was on Akihime's right and Yoshitsugu was in front of her. He had to get to her without opening fire and before she actually shot anyone.
"Amaya deserved what she sowed. I see now that you're the reason she wanted to leave. I'll dispose of you quickly." Mitsunari hissed and reached for his gun. Akihime acted fast and smashed her heel into Mitsunari's shoulder, dislocating it. Mitsunari growled in pain and threw a punch but she caught his arm and twisted it behind his back, forcing him to his knees and putting her gun to his head. "Terminate Ama's contract and let her go free or I spill your unworthy blood all over Hideyoshi's fucking floor." She spat dangerously. Mitsunari hissed and growled, "Yoshitsugu...bring me Amaya's contract." He demanded. Yoshitsugu looked amused before walking into the other room, comig back with a Creed Oath - Amaya's pact with Mitsunari. Akihime glared at Yoshitsugu, "Burn it." "Here~?" "Burn. It." "Very well~"
Yukimura waited with the safety off, ready to open fire when needed. He breathed slowly, praying nothing would go wrong.
Yoshitsugu destroyed the pact and held his hands disarmingly. Akihime scowled softly and hit Mitsunari over the head with her gun, knocking him out. She pointed her weapon at Yoshitsugu, taking careful steps back, "Until next time...Otou-sama..." "Farewell, dearest Akihime~" Yoshitsugu replied. Akihime moved faster before turning and running off
Yukimura let her run by her before moving after her, grabbing her arm. "It's me." He said, watching her gun arm carefully, knowing if he startled her, she'd probably shoot him.
Yukimura looked disspointed, but he pulled her along quickly. "We'll discuss this later, for now we need to leave." He said.
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