Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

((Time to run into Akihime~~??))

"Yukimura-sama, I'm going to get some new clothes...! I have my gun just in case...!" Akihime called fromthe bottom of the stairs
Yukimura was taking apart his guns and cleaning them, making sure they stayed in decent condition. "Alright, do you want me to accompany you?" He called.
Amaya had purchased a cup of coffee, thanking the man and paying him before turning, blowing on the hot cup before taking a sip, continuing on her walk.
"Aki-chan..?" A soft voice spoke up before Akihime, Amaya standing there stunned, tears welling in her eyes. She dropped her coffee and moved over, dropping to her knees and hugging Akihime by her legs. "Lady Akihime!" She cried.
Akihime stumbled and looked down, "A-Amaya...!" She gasped. She smiled and picked Amaya up, hugging her tight, "Oh my goodness, its been so long! I missed you, Amaya~!"
Amaya cupped Akihime's cheeks, looking her over. "M-Mitsunari-sama said that you had died..!" She said weakly.
"Yoshitsugu-sama wouldn't speak to me on the subject... But Mitsunari-sama said you had fallen ill, and had to be sent away..." She took a shakey breath. "He told me you had died..!"
Akihime frowned, wondering if she should tell Amaya the truth, " sold me to Saito as a sex slave two years ago..." She said softly, "Yoshitsugu gave me away to repay the money he and Mitsunari owed him..."
Amaya's heart dropped and she pulled Akihime closer, hugging her tightly. "I'm so sorry, Lady Akihime.." She said, guilt making her tense up as the though of her an Mitsunari in his room flashed in her head, making her womanhood ache with pain.
Akihime felt her tense and she frowned, " Mitsunari still hurting you...? Does he still beat you when you make a mistake...? Tell me, please..."
Fear gripped at Amaya's throat and she hesitated. "He only punishes me because he says it's the best way to learn... He's doing it for my own good." She said softly.
"Ama..." Akihime touched Amaya's cheek, "Ama, you're absolutely flawless in everything you do...! Please don't stay with them any longer...come with me, please...stay with me and the Takeda...! Sasuke-san will absolutely love you...!"
Amaya looked down and shook her head. "Mitsunari-sama would kill me if I even thought of leaving.." She said, taking Akihime's hand and nuzzling it. "You're free now, I won't tell them what happened of you... I can only pray to Lord Hideyoshi that you're happy.."
"Lord Hideyoshi has done nothing for us, Ama..." She said sadly. She tried to smile, "I hope you'll reconsider staying with them...I really do miss, I'll give you the household number and I want you to promise you'll call me if you need me for anything." Akihime scribbled down the number and gave it to Amaya.
Amaya took the number anyway and stuck it in her pocket. "... I'll think about it." She murmured and hugged Akihime. "I should be getting back... I don't know what things Mitsunari-sama needs me to do today... And I need to perfect my aim." She said stepping back from Akihime and bowing deeply. "Where ever you are now, I hope that you are safe and happy." She said softly.
Akihime frowned, "Stay safe..." She said sadly, "Keep in touch.." She hated walkin past her to continue on her way. She wanted to take Amaya with her and keep her safe. She would have to ask Yukimura if it was ok for Amaya to stay with them
Amaya returned home and went to her room, grabbing her gun and heading to the range, not surprised to see Mitsunari there. She bowed to him, then moved to her station. "Ohayo, Mitsunari-sama."
"I..." She faltered, there was no way she could give up Akihime. "I'm sorry I forgot, Mitsunari-sama.." She said softly.
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