Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"Uuhh..." Sasuke tried to spot Akihime through any windows, zooming his scope, "Either he's on to us or I'm fucking blind..." He answered.

Akihime followed Shima into his room and looked around, "Where would you like to begin, Shima-kun?" She asked. Shima silently locked the door and moved over to her, "Anywhere is fine~" He purred. Akihime frowned softly, " has been two years..." "Two torturous years~" Shima added, pulling her close. Akihime grew uncomfortable and tried to move away, only to be held tighter
Yukimura set his glass down and glanced around. "Check the other windows, do you see anything?" He asked, striding calmly towards the stairs.
Sasuke kept checking. "I think I found a good one." He said. He scowled at what he saw, "Boss, you might want to hurry and get there. I can't get a good shot, he's got Otani in the- he found her gun."

"So. After all this were just here to kill me." Shima unloaded the clip in Akihime's gun and she took a step back. "Gomenasai, Shima-kun...I-I didn't wish-!" "Oh, its far too late for sorries and explainations." He growled, throwing the gun aside. Akihime tried to move for the door but Shima grabbed her and pulled her against him, glaring down at her as he worked on removing her dress. Akihime's eyes widened, flashing back to Saito. "D-Don't...Shima-kun, onegai..." "Urusai." Shima hissed and threw her down on the bed, pulling off her dress. Akihime was frozen as he got on top of her. "Boss, I can't get him without getting Otani, too! Hayaku!!" Sasuke yelled
Yukimura entered the empty hallway and hurried down the hall towards Shima's room, trying the door, but it didn't budge. He frowned and drew his gun, slamming his shoulder against the door, but it didn't budge.

((Mother fucker gon' die.))
(( *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* Hell yeah he is~~))

Using his bow tie to gag her, Shima undid his pants and entered her, making her scream and cry. Sasuke prepared to shoot him to get him off but he froze when Shima put a knife to her throat, "Be a good girl, Akihime-chan~" Shima cooed, "And you won't have to die~" "Shit!" Sasuke turned his gun and aimed for the door, "Step back, Boss!" He advised before shooting the door to weaken it. Shima growled, "You have a sniper, too? Naughty girl." Shima cut her shoulder and she screamed in pain
Yukimura kicked the door open hard, pointing his gun at Shima's head and moving toward him quickly. "Get away from her!" He snapped.
Shima looked and scowled, "Or what? You'll shoot me?" He didn't seem very intimidated. Akihime sobbed weakly, mascara running and leaving black streaks. Her shoulder burned and ached from the cut, covering herself in shame. "Poor little Akihime-chan...traumatized beyond belief...even the smallest ounce of intimacy from me will send you spiralling into terror, won't it?" Shima licked her neck and she cried more.
Yukimura's eyes went cold and he turned off the safety, firing six times at Shima, all six rounds hitting him in the back of his head. He holstered his gun and moved over to Akihime, tearing the sheets from the bed and quickly covering her with it and shoving Shima's body to the floor. He gathered Akihime up and held her tightly against his chest. "Gomenasai... I shouldn't have sent you in alone."
Akihime ripped the gag off and cried loudly, pressing herself against Yukimura. "Boss, there are guards making their way towards the room...I can't take them out without raising the alarm and summoning more. You two need to leave, now." "Sh...Shima...has a...secret exit...i-in his wardrobe..." Akihime managed between sobs
Yukimura grabbed Akihime and carried her to the wardrobe, pushing the clothes aside and pressing back the false panel. "Sasuke, get to the car, we'll meet you back at the estate, tell the medic Akihime's gonna need stitches on her shoulder, it's to deep to not stitch up." He said as he set the false panel back in place and hurried down the small hallway, holding Akihime tightly.
"You're fine, let's just get home." He said, opening the door that led out onto an alleyway and hurrying to the car, putting Akihime in the passengers seat and getting in, taking off quickly.
Akihime held the sheets tighter against her. He must've hated her for letting such a thing happen. She fought the new wave of tears and sat silently in her seat.

((such angst. much sad.))
Yukimura glanced at her as the drove. "I'm so sorry... Akihime." He said, pulling the earpiece from his ear and gripping the steering wheel tightly.
"Why are you sorry...? I was the one who fucked up..." Akihime muttered; sinking in her seat slightly, "I let my friendship with the target get in the way and for that, I was.....taken advantage of..."
"What happened to you was not your fault, Akihime." He said pulling into the driveway and parking. He reached over and gently pulled Akihime into his arms, hugging her tightly against his chest. "Please forgive me for not getting there sooner... I never wanted for you to end up in that position..."
Akihime sniffed and hid her face in his chest, "I'll always forgive you, Yukimura-sama..." She muttered weakly, "Even if you aren't at fault..."
He pet her hair gently, holding her tightly for a moment longer. "Let's get you to the healer, your shoulder is bleeding.." He said, pulling away and cupping her cheek gently.
Yukimura got out moved over to Akihime's side, helping her out of the car and carrying her inside and to the healer.
Yukimura kept the sheet wrapped around Akihime, taking her to the medical wing to be stitched up and taken care of.
Akihime whimpered softly when they cleaned and stitched up her shoulder. "I would advise not moving your arm too much, Otani-dono.." "Arigatou..." Akihime muttered
Akihime came out wearing a large tshirt and some sweats, long hair undone and to her knees, "I can't over-work my arm, so no gun practice for a while...but other than that, I'll be alright.."
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