Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Yukimura nodded, moving away from the wall. "Why don't you go rest, it's late, I'll check on you in the morning."
Akihime nodded, "Hai..." She said softly. She turned to leave but stopped, turning back and kissing Yukimura's cheek gently. "You really are a red and black Angel sent to me from Buddha, Yukimura-sama...arigatou..." She said gently before jogging off to her room
Yukimura touched his cheek gently and watched her leave before heading to his room, cheeks dusted pink.

Amaya was in the practice range, practicing with her sniper rifle, hands trembling when she tried to focus. Mitsunari had been in a particularly bad mood today and was practically breathing fire down her neck, and with him practicing just beside her, well made her jumpy.
"H-Hai, gomenasai... Mitsunari-sama.." She said, looking through her scope and aiming for her target, but the tension in the room made her nervous. Mitsunari made her nervous, so when she fire she missed the target, hitting the wall just beside the small paper, terror instantly consuming her. "Gomenasai!" She said quickly, fearing the worst.
"Please forgive me, I promise I'll train through dinner and until the sun rises, I'll improve my aim, I promise, please forgive me..!" She said, bowing her head to him.

((I feel like he would be the kinda person who used to use corporal punishment on her when she messed up. :>))
"You're damn right you will! Kneel and beg for forgiveness from our Lord, Hideyoshi!!" He snapped, pointing to the ground

((What's corporal punishment~~?? (=゚ω゚)ノ ))
((Physical punishment~))

Amaya instantly dropped to her hands and knees before Mitsunari, pressing her forehead to the floor and scrunching herself as small as she could, murmuring quickly for forgiveness, trembling with fear. "Hideyoshi-sama please forgive my inexcusable mistake, I promise to train until my hands bleed and I cannot move, I promise I will not tarnish your name nor your reputation and I will make you proud and I won't make you regret taking a lowly whore like me under your wing, O great Hideyoshi-sama please forgive me! Forgive me!"
(( ∑(゚Д゚) Poor Amaya!!))

Mitsunari scowled heavily, "That'll have to do. Get up, you miserale wretch. You have a long night ahead of you." He growled
Amaya frowned sadly at Akihime's name, taking the first shot and hitting the target straight on, her heart ached for her missing friend, and her stomach payed the price. For the rest of the day, the slow steady shots of Amaya's gun sounded, through dinner and well into the night, but around four a.m, silence hung over the estate, and even at four thirty, no shots had been fired. Amaya lay asleep against her gun, the lack of food and manual labor from that day causing her to fall asleep while working.
((Imma feel so bad...))

She was rudely awoken by Mitsunari pulling back hard on her hair, "How dare you fall asleep after allowed a second chance to redeem yourself! You lowly filth!" He snarled
Amaya cried out from the sudden pain and gripped her neck hard, she knew better than to touch Mitsunari unless given permission to do so. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!" She begged, unable to get up off her sore knees.

(( *・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・* Make her cry~!))
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