Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Yukimura shot a glare at Sasuke, clearing his throat. "Anyway, we should be going, don't want to be late."
Akihime nodded and Sasuke grabbed his gun case, "I'll take the spare car...keep me in the loop..." He tapped his ear where the earwig as before moving to the door. Akihime looked to Yukimura and blushed softly, "You look very handsome, Yukimura-sama..."
Yukimura nodded to Sasuke, then turned to look at Akihime. "Thank you.. You look lovely." He said, holding his arm out for her to take.
Yukimura led her to the car, opening the door for her and letting her get in before closing the door before getting in the car himself.
Yukimura pulled up at the large extravagant home, turning off the car and getting out, going around to the other side of the car, opening the door and holding his hand out for her.
Akihime took his hand and climbed out of the car, linking arms with him and taking him up the the stone steps, "Name or Invitation." The guard said. Akihime smiled softly, "Otani Akihime, plus one." She said sweetly. The guard looked through the names and nodded, "Welcome, Akihime-dono. Please, come in. The festivities have already begun." "Arigatou gozaimasu." Akihime bowed slightly and pulled Yukimura inside, "We're in." "Good work, Otani. How's it lookin', Boss?" Sasuke said over the earwig
Yukimura looked around the party. "Everything's fine." He said softly, leading Akihime off to the side. "Alright, we're in." He said to Akihime, getting her a drink. "Now we just need to find Shima."
Akihime took the drink and nodded, "Shouldn't be too hard..." She said, bringing the glass to her lips. "Akihime-chan~!" A voice called. She looked and saw a young man decending the stairs in an expensive tux, short brown hair with a bit of red dye coloring the left side. "Shima-kun...!" Akihike smiled and Shima took her hand, kissing it gently and lingering. Akihime blushed and Shima smiled, "Its been far too long~" "H-Hai...! I missed you...!" Akihime said. Shima's eyes landed on Yukimura, "Is this your friend?" "Hai! Shima-kun, this is Sanada Genjirou Yukimura." She introduced. Shima held out his hand to Yukimura, "A pleasure."
Yukimura shook his hand. "The pleasures all mine." He said, bowing his head slightly, but in all actuality, he wanted to break Shima's hand.
"We'll have to catch up later~" "Hai!" Akihime smiled and nodded. Shima smiled flirtatiously at her and nodded to Yukimura, "Enjoy yourselves, please." He said and went to check on his other guests
Yukimura sipped his drink, glancing to Akihime. "Alright, if we can keep him within Sasuke's range, we'll be able to take him out." He murmured, making sure no one could hear them.
"In front of all these people?" She asked softly. "You got a better idea?" Sasuke asked. Akihime frowned softly, her eyes holding confliction, "I could get him alone..." She answered, "When we catch up can take his life then..." She said, tone weighing heavy with regret
Yukimura took her hand gently and led her out onto the dance floor, putting a hand on her hip and clasping her other hand gently.
Akihime held his hand and placed her free hand on his shoulder, blushing more as she danced with him. Her eyes scanned for Shima until she spotted him glaring jealously at Yukimura. She frowned softly, "My heart weighs heavy, Yukimura-sama..." She said quietly
"You're having second thoughts?" Yukimura asked softly, following her gaze to Shima, holding her closer and twirling her around, and showing her off.
Akihime nodded, "Hai...Shima-kun is a dear friend of mine. I find it hard to believe he would commit such sins. But it is my job to help cleanse this world of sin, but I just..." She stopped, "I-I cannot take Shima-kun's life, Yukimura-sama..." She said weakly. Sasuke made a noise, sitting on a roof a ways away, "Well, that's why I'm here." He said. "Just get him alone, and I'll do the rest."
Yukimura nodded and took his hand off her hip, cupping her cheek. "Then you don't have to, just do as Sasuke said... Get him alone, we can take care of the rest.."
Akihime's face flushed, "Yukimura...sama..." She breathed. She jumped when a hand was placed on her shoulder, "I hope you don't mind if I borrow her~" Shima said, gently pulling Akihime away from Yukimura.
Jealousy flashed in Yukimura's eyes momentarily, but he bowed slightly to Shima. "Of course not." He said, heading across the dance floor to find a new dance partner. "Akihime, now would be a good time to take him somewhere private." He murmured, his message transmitting into her earpiece hidden by her hair.
Akihime lowered her head shyly, "Hai.." She whispered. "Ne, Akihime-chan~ would you are to come up stairs with me~? We can catch up there~" Shima offered. Akihime looked up and smiled softly, "Hai.." She replied. Shima smirked and took her hand, leading her upstairs

((Little man whore better not be doing what I think he is!))

Yukimura kept an eye on the two all the way up the stairs. "Sasuke, they're heading upstairs, most likely into the master room, can you get a good view from there?" He whispered picking up a glass of wine, but not drinking it.
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