Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Something unreadable flashed in Yukimura's eyes when Akihime spoke about Shima, but he said nothing about it. "Alright, we'll see what we can work out."
Shingen dismissed them and Akihime moved towards the phone, dialing Shima's houseold. "Shima-kun...? I-Its Akihime..." She blushed and smiled softly, "Hai, its been a long time indeed. How've you been? ...I've been alright. I'm staying with a friend now. ...Yes, they are caring for me very well. Ano...I was wondering, about your usual monthly parties? ...Hai, I would love to come! Can I bring a guest? ...Just one. ...Yes, its my friend. ...Arigatou, Shima-kun! I'll see you soon! Ja ne!" Akihime hung up and sighed shakily
Yukimura was setting everything out, checking to see how many bullets he had for his hand guns. If this was going to be an infiltration job, he couldn't bring his sniper rifle.
"Come in." Yukimura said, loading a clip.

Jingu set tea on Kojurou's bedside table, sitting beside him. "How are you today?"
Akihime entered and cleared her throat gently, "Ano...Yukimura-sama...I hope you have something nice to wear to the party...its always a black suit and tie occasion..."

"Much better, actually...I can't wait to get out of my room.." Kojurou answered
Yukimura looked over his shoulder and gave her a crooked smile. "Of course I do." He said. "But what about you?"

Jingu nodded, a soft smile on her face. "I'm glad... You should take it easy.. I don't want to have you reopening your wound."
Akihime rubbed her arm, "I have a bit of money left over from the last mission...I was going to go out tomorrow and buy a suitable dress..." She answered

"I won't reopen my wound..." Kojurou said, "Its difficult as all hell to get comfortable though.."
Yukimura nodded. "Are you going to town alone..?" He asked, looking back down at his gun.

"Is there anything I could do to help?" She asked.
Akihime blushed softly, playing with the end of her hair, "Hai. I figure a nice enough dress would be in the safer part of town.."

Kojurou's cheeks turned red, "There' thing...I need help with..."
Yukimura nodded. "Alright, take a gun with you anyway, speaking of which, how is cleaning your gun going?" He asked.

Jingu rose an eyebrow. "What is it?" She asked.
"I've gotten better...!" She moved over, unholstering her gun and holding it out for him to examine

"Its...uh...its hard to ask for, actually.." He mumbled
Yukimura took the gun from her hand and looked it over, making a noise as he examined it. "Not bad."

"Kojurou, you know I'd do anything for you, what is it?" Jingu asked.
Yukimura nodded and handed the gun back. "Go on and get your dress, we need to work out a plan, Sasuke will still be coming with us, but he'll be out of sight, in case something goes wrong."

Jingu blushed faintly. "Such as..?" She pried.
Akihime nodded, "Hai!" She said and trotted out of the room. She jogged passed Sasuke on her way out and the sniper watched her leave before heading to Yukimura's room, "Where's Otani goin'?" He asked

"I'm embarrassed to ask such things of you..." Kojurou said softly
"We have a mission, we'll be infiltrating so she needs to get a dress." He said.

Jingu moved over to Kojorou, cupping his cheek. "Don't worry about it, what do you need?"
"Oh, for the party, right?" Sasuke asked, "Boy, won't that be fun, huh? Nothin' says companionship like getting killed by your friend's master.." He muttered sourly. He huffed, "Why would she even betray him so easily if they were so close?"

A feeling of malice filled the room. "Service him." Kita hissed threateningly from the door. Kojurou's face turned beat red, "Onee-sama!!"
Yukimura hesitated for a moment while loading his gun. "I don't know.." He muttered.

Jingu's face turned just as red. "K-Kita-dono?" She looked to her, embarrassment washing over her.
Sasuke made a noise, "Well, at any rate, let's hope she doesn't mess up..."

Kita pointed to Kojurou, eyes locked on Jingu, "Do it." "Onee-sama, yamerou! She doesn't have to do anything she isn't comfortable with!" Kojurou said
Yukimura made a face and set his gun on the table. "She won't."

Jingu looked down at her lap. "I'll do it, don't worry, Kojurou, I said I'd do whatever you wanted, right?"
"You seem self-assured." Sasuke noted, "Or maybe there's another reason you sound very distant and isolated?"

"J-Jingu..." "Good. You aren't to leave unil he is satisfied." Kita said and left, shutting the door
Yukimura didn't look at Sasuke. "What do you mean, Sasuke? She's my student, of course I'm self-assured."

Jingu cupped Kojurou's cheek. "What is it you want, love?" She asked softly.
"Then why won't you look at me when you say you're confident in her abilities?" He asked

Kojurou blushed and averted his gaze, " be taken care of...."
Yukimura grabbed his hand guns and stood. "I'll be in the range." He said, leaving the room and heading down the hall.

Jingu pulled him close and kissed him, crawling on top of him and pushing her hand inside of his pants, stroking him gently.
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