Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

(( D: Why are you sad...!?))

"Boss, Shingen wants to see you and Akihime, pronto." Sasuke said, peeking into the shooting range. Akihime looked to Yukimura, "Another mission? So soon?"
((I'm not~))

Yukimura slung his gun over his shoulder, brushing a loose strand of hair from his face. "Alright, let's go." He said.
((*snuggle* Promise~?))

Akihime nodded and slipped her gun into the holster on her thigh before following Sasuke and Yukimura to see Shingen
((I promise~~))

Yukimura knocked on the door to Shingen's study before entering. "You wanted to see us, my Lord?"
Shingen nodded, "I recieved word of a new villian to be slain. His name is Shima Sakon." He said. Akihime blushed softly, "Shima-kun?" "You know him, Akihime?" Shingen asked. Akihime nodded, "H-Hai! Shima-kun is a family friend! He would visit Mitsunari-sama and Otou-sama all the time to discuss business!" She said. Her cheeks turned red again, "A-And he would always bring me flowers and tell me how pretty I was..." She muttered. She shook her head, "Shima-kun usually throws extravagant parties at the end of every month...! I could get Yukimura-sama close to him...i-if that's ok..." "That's excellent, Akihime. In two days, you both will set off." Shingen said. Akihime smiled softly, "I'll call Shima-kun right away!" "Very well."
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