Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"I'm positive." Kojurou answered. Kita made a noise, "I have to go to the clinic, Kage-nii. I'll be back later." "Hai, Onee-sama. Have a good day." "We'll see."
Jingu frowned more, but nodded. "Hai... But if there is anything you need... And I mean anything, just ask." She said.

Jingu moaned weakly, tangling her fingers through hair hair, careful to not touch his wounded chest.
((Fuck it, let's do it now! >D))

The next few days went by slowly; Kojurou didn't like being bed ridden so he would try and sneak outside for a smoke, only to be forced back into bed by either Kita or Jingu. Masamune was going nuts not being able to get out and kill a few people. He broke the lock Kojurou put on his liquor canbinet and pulled out his brandy, filling up a glass all the way to the top
Megohime was tinkering on a gun she was making for Hidemune, sighing softly and setting everything aside, Masamune had helped her set up a small workbench in her room. She made a noise and stood up, heading to the door, going to see what Masamune was doing.
Megohime knocked and poked her head in. "Hey... Isn't it a little early to drink?" She asked, moving over.
Megohime scowled, sitting in the chair across from him. "Not my place to judge... I just wish I could join." She said, resting a hand on her stomach.
Masamune held it out to her, "Here. It won't kill the kid. Hidemune's fine." He slurred, "His skank of a mother drank all the time with him. Sure, he's kinda stupid, but he's fine."
Megohime scowled, taking the drink and setting it aside. "I think you've had enough... Come on, you should go lay down." She said, standing up and moving over grabbing him under the arm.
Masamune twisted her arm behind her back, "Don't fucking tell me what to do, Megohime." He growled out, "Or I'll kick you out so fast, even your fetus will wonder what the fuck just happened."

((I hope this is violent enough for you >.> ))

Megohime let out a cry of pain, her legs giving out and dropping to her knees. "H-Hai..!" She clenched her teeth, letting out a pained noise. "Please, just let go of my arm..."
Masamune shoved her away from him and moved to grab his drink. "A-Ano..." Masamune stopped and looked. Hidemune stood at the door, frowning, "I-I really should apologize to Megohime-dono, Otou-sama..." "Get the hell out of here, you useless little shit." Masamune hissed. Hidemune gulped and shook his head, "N-No.." "What?"
Megohime cradled her arm, wrist throbbing. "Hidemune, stay out of this, please.." She said softly, getting to her feet. "I shouldn't have grabbed him, it isn't my place... I'm a guest here..."

((She's gonna be mild now, but once he's sober she's gonna be sooooo angry~~))
((I'm excite~))

"He shouldn't treat you like that no matter what.." "What do you know, you little fuck?" Masamune growled. Hidemune scowled and moved over, "I know that Kojurou brought you up better than to treat a woman that way." "Don't bring Kojurou into this!!"
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