Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"Please stop!" Megohime moved between Masamune and Hidemune. "Masamune, please, go lay down, you aren't in your right mind." She said.
"Don't tell me what to do!" Masamune's hand shot out but Hidemune moved and grabbed Masamune's wrist, "Yamerou, Otou-sama!!" "Urusai!!" Masamune hissed. "Megohime-dono, get Jingu, please! She's they only one I know who might help restrain him while Kojurou is resting!" Hidemune said
((Oh shit!))

Megohime flinched when he moved to hit her, moving back and nodding. "H-Hai.." She left the room to get Jingu.
((You wanted him violent...! D: ))

"You disrespectful little-!" "Shut your damn mouth, Otou-sama! You're drunk! This is why Kojurou doesn't let you drink!" Hidemune hissed. Masamune began to tremble with rage before he punched Hidemune with his free hand. Hidemune grunted but held his ground
Jingu hurried in a moment later, Megohime sitting with Kojurou to make sure he didn't try to stop Masamune and open his wound again. "Masamune-sama..!" Jingu grabbed his arm, pinning it to his side, grabbing ahold of his shirt. "You need to stop..!"
"Be quiet, Jingu! You're lucky Kojurou is so smitten with you, otherwise I'd have you six feet under by now!" He spat. Hidemune frowned, figuring he'd find a better lock for the liquor
Jingu held tight. "I will not, I'm sorry sir but Kojurou-sama told me this happens when you drink more than you should, and while he is injured it's my job to do what he cannot." She said sternly, pinning his arm behind his back. "Hidemune-dono, if you'd please help me get him to his bed..?"
Jingu grabbed ahold of Masamune's arm, waiting until Hidemune had a good grip on his other arm before she started to drag him to his bedroom.
Jingu was nearly thrown against the wall as they struggled down the hall, finally getting him in his room and on his bed. "Please calm down..!"
"Fuck off, useless skank!" "Otou-sama!" Hidemune snapped. He helped tie Masamune down with his arms at his sides, slapping some duct tape over his mouth to keep him from yelling anymore, "Kojurou-san makes this look so much easier..."
Jingu held down one of Masamune's arms, grunting softly when he almost kneed her in the head. "I get he makes almost everything seem easier.."
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