Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

She sat, shaking her head. "I don't know..." She murmured, wishing she could be back with Kojurou.
Masamune came out a bit later and stopped when he saw Kita, "Kitako?" "Mune-kun!" Kita jumped up and moved over, "How is he?" "He's fine, Kitako...he's resting."
Jingu stood when Masamune came out, looking down. Boy do she have a lot of ass kissing to do.
Masamune looked to Jingu and made a face, "You're still here?" "She's not leaving. She's going to make it up to Kage-nii." Kita said
Jingu bowed lowly to Masamune. "Hai, I am here to serve Kojurou-sama." She said, blushing faintly.
"Just what he needs." Masamune said, "I gotta head back and make sure everything is ok at the manor..." "Hai. I'm going to see Kage-nii." Kita said and moved to Kojurou's room
"Yeah.. I got that notion when she threatened to overdose me on morphine.." She muttered to herself.
After a while in the hospital, Kojurou was finally released and was allowed to go home, Jingu helping Kojurou inside the manor.
Jingu glanced nervously at Kita as she helped Kojurou into his room and into bed. "Is there anything you need, Kojurou-sama..?"
"Kita-san... I'm not trying to kill Kojurou." She said as she took the boiling water off the stove and poured some tea for Kojurou.
Jingu sighed softly, finding it useless to try and argue as she picked up the tea and returned to Kojurou, handing him the tea. "Anything else?"
Kojurou shook his head, taking the tea, "No, thank you..." He said softly, "All I really want now is for you to stay with me." Kita looked unhappy with this and Kojurou gave her a look saying he could take care of himself.
Jingu nodded, sitting down on the bed beside him, not looking at Kita. "Are you sure that's all you need?" She asked softly, guilt still making her heart ache every time she saw the bandages around his chest.
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