Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Jingu pulled Kojurou into the back seat, holding him tightly and trying hard to ignore the blood smeared across the back of the seat.
Jingu pet Kojurou's hair. "You're gonna be okay." She said softly, kissing his temple. "You're gonna be okay."
"Are...Are you...hurt...?" He asked weakly. Masamune ground his teeth angrily, "Shut the hell up, Kojurou. Save your fucking energy." "H-Hai...Masamune...sama..."
Jingu shook her head. "I'm fine." She put more pressure on the gun shot wound, trying to slow the bleeding, but it must've hit something because blood was spilling through her fingers.
Jingu ran her fingers through his hair and gently wiped away the blood on his lips. "I love you, you hear me, don't you dare die." She said, holding his hand.
"I-I won't...Masamune-sama...forbade me from dying...long ago...I-I am...a man of my...w-word..." Kojurou replied, " you, too...Jingu..."
Jingu kissed him, holding him close. "How far are we?" Jingu asked Masamune, gripping the back of the seat so she wouldn't fly through the window.
"Not far. Actually, once I turn," Masamune made a hard left and barreled into the hospital parking lot, "We're here." He moved out quickly and helped her get Kojurou out of the car.
Jingu had nearly smacked her head against the seat, hurrying inside the hospital with Kojurou and Masamune, helping Kojurou walk. "We need a doctor!" She called once she got in.
A doctor and a few nurses rushed over, "Katakura-san! Masamune-sama, what-?" "Just help Kojurou, dammit!" Masamune hissed. The doctor nodded and had Kojurou rushed to the ER
Once they had taken Kojurou, Jingu wiped the blood off of her hands and onto her pants, sitting down in a chair and resting her head in her hands, looking distraught.
Masamune and Jingu were left waiting for hours before the doctor approached, "Masamune-sama." "Is Kojurou ok!?" Masamune demanded. The doctor nodded, "He's fine. We were able to remove the bullet in time. He's resting in ICU but won't be able to leave for a few weeks so we can keep his condition stable. When he's discharged, he won't be able to accompany you on any missions for a week to a week and a half." He explained. Masamune nodded, "Thanks, Doc."
"Could.. Could I- We see him?" Jingu had stood and moved over, still looking distraught, shoulders sagging.
"Only one visitor at a time, Miss..." "Her name's Jingu." Masamune huffed, "Let her see him...I need to call my son." "Hai." The doctor gestured for Jingu to go first so he could take her to see Kojurou
Jingu gave a small nod of thanks to Masamune as she headed back, moving over to Kojurou's side. "Kojurou..?"
Jingu took his hand, kissing his knuckles. "He's talking to Hidemune..." She said softly.
((I was half right and I'm tired! Dx))

Jingu nodded. "He is no longer." She said softly. "But I'm more worried about you.. God I am so sorry I did that..." She bowed her head. "Please... Just tell me if you wish for me to leave... But know I still love you, and that my love for you is no façade."
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