Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Jingu kissed his hand. "Of course... I am yours... Please forgive me." She muttered, kissing each knuckle carefully.
Jingu smiled softly up at him, kissing him gently without hurting him. "Do you want me to stay or send Masamune in..?"
Jingu stopped behind Masamune, lowering her gaze. "Kojurou wants to see you.." She said softly.
The doors flew open and an older woman rushed in, carmel colored hair a mess as she rushed to the desk, "S-Sumimasen! Katakura Kojurou, where is he...!?" "Calm down, miss. Who are you?" "I-I'm his older sister, Katakura Kita...! P-Please, where's my brother...!?" "He's currently speaking with Masamune-sama, you'll have to wait." The head nurse said. Kita moved and sat a couple chairs from Jingu, covering her face and whimpering
Jingu looked up at Kita, frowning softly and standing, slowly moving over to him. "You're... Kojurou's older sister..? I didn't know he had any siblings.."
Jingu looked down and frowned in shame. "I'm the reason Kojurou is here right now.." She said quietly. With the combined look of blood staining her shirt and the rifle on her back, she might as well have told Kita she had shot Kojurou herself.
"You hurt my brother!?" Kita shot up in her seat and glared, "How dare you!" She slapped Jingu hard, tears spilling down her cheeks, "H-He almost died because of you...!"
Jingu's head snapped to the side when she was struck, but she just stood there. "I know... And I'm so sorry... It wasn't supposed to end up this way.."
"The only one who was supposed to die was me... My gun jammed and he moved to help me..." She dropped to her knees and bowed to Kita. "Please forgive me! I love him! I didn't want him to get hurt! I begged him to leave! He didn't listen!"
Kita chewed on the inside of her lip, glaring down at Jingu. She hated her for putting her brother in the hospital, but Kojurou must've cared deeply for her if he risked his life to protect her. "Kage-nii must really love you, too, if he put his life on the line for you..."
"I'm sorry... I would never want him to get hurt...!" She said weakly, tears stinging her eyes. "If I could take his place I would do so gladly!"
Jingu looked up, not expecting Kita to be so kind to her since it was her fault Kojurou was in the hospital. "H-Hai..." She said, getting to her feet.

((Does Kita wanna kick her ass~?))
((Kita is gonna be so mean for a while~~))

"I'm going to make you Kage-nii's servant until he fully recovers." Kita said, "And when he is recovered, you'll still do everything he says or I'll overdose you on morphine."
Jingu nodded and bowed her head. "Hai..." She said softly, not doubting her when she said it.
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