Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Mitsuhide's eyes flickered for a brief second, smirk widening, "Jingu-dono..." Kojurou said, tone coated in shock. He and Masamune where standing behind her; they were wondering what was taking her so long. Masamune looked furious and Kojurou looked crushed, " what you said...true...?"
Jingu felt shame burn in her gut and she lowered her gun completely, turning slowly to face Kojurou. "H-Hai.." She said quietly. "Kojurou... I don't want to do this... I-I'm sorry... I screwed up.."
"Damn right you did!" Masamune growled, pointing his Colt. "No! Masamune-sama! We have to deal with Mitsuhide first!" Kojurou stated. He lowered his gaze and gripped his katana, unable to even look at Jingu now. Mitsuhide cackled, "How precious~ This is what happens when you fall in love with your assassin~"
Jingu's cheeks burned with shame and she raised her gun, turning to aim at Mitshuhide. "Even if they are going to kill me after this, I won't sin for you any longer." She hissed.
Mitsuhide reached into his coat and pulled out his M9, "Then you will die for a man who no longer loves you~" He jeered and pulled the trigger on Jingu. Kojurou rushed forward and moved in front of Jingu, slashing his katana and cutting the bullet in half, face set.
Jingu's eyes widened. "Kojurou.." She murmured, surprised he had stepped in front of a bullet for her. She set her own face and turned off the safety on her gun, a small handgun she had 'borrowed' from Masamune's armory, taking aim at Mitsuhide and firing at him, her sniper rifle on her back.
Mitsuhide stepped aside and fired at Kojurou, only to have him deflect the bullets with his katana. Masamune fired at the silver haired man as well, only to have Mitsuhide pull out a MP-443 and deflect Masamune's bullets, "It would seem I have my work cut out for me~"
Jingu aimed as carefully as she could, but Mitsuhide seemed o dodge every bullet. She scowled softly and ducked behind a bench, trying to get around him and behind him.
Mitsuhide shot at Masamune, smirking when Kojurou protected his boss. He kept firing, waiting for Kojurou to mess up. And he did; he miscalculated the trajectory of a bullet and it hit him in the shoulder. "Kojurou!" "I'm fine, Masamune-sama!"
Jingu had finally gotten behind the broken podium and behind Mitsuhide, taking aim at the back of his head and pressing the gun against his head. "Lower your guns." She hissed.
((Time to fuck all the shit up!))

Jingu squeezed the trigger, but no bullet fired. Her eyes widened when she had realized the gun had jammed.
Mitsuhide smirked darkly and reached back, grabbing her wrist and pulling her forward as he twisted her arm behind her back, "You fucked up, Jingu~"
Jingu made a noise of pain and glared, feeling the strain on her elbow and shoulder. "Ha... Guess so, huh?" She muttered.
Fear flashed in Jingu's eyes and she swallowed. "Kojurou... I'm sorry." She said softly. "I love you, I really do.."
Jingu closed her eyes, hearing the soft click of the gun. "Kojurou stop!" She snapped. "There's no point if both of us are dead, others need you, I'm just some ex-prostitute off the streets, I'm nobody. Please don't die for someone like me..!" She spoke quickly, knowing Mitsuhide was going to shoot her.
"I won't let you die!!" He yelled. Misuhide smirked, "Then you will die instead~" Removing his gun from Jingu's head and fired at Kojurou, hitting him in the chest. "Kojurou!" Masamune yelled
"No!!" Jingu's eyes went wide and she struggled hard, trying to get away from Mitsuhide so she could rush to Kojurou.
Jingu instantly pushed Mitshide away, rushing to Kojurou and dropping down beside him, scooping him up and holding him close, pressing down on his chest where blood was soaking through his shirt. "K-Kojurou...?"
"You're gonna be okay.." She looked up to Masamune. "We need to get him to a doctor!" She said, her voice cracking and holding Kojurou closer.
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