Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"He's destructive and violent. I made the mistake of letting him get drunk once; the manor had to be redecorated." He flicked the ash from the cigarette, "He practically destroyed the foyer and Hidemune's room."
"So, I only let him drink small glasses when he's stressed." He stated. He looked to her with a faint smoke, "I hope you don't mind the taste of smoke." He said teasingly
Jingu shook her head, smiling softly. "No, none at all." She said softly, then got the distinct feeling Mitsuhide was watching again. "Ne... I've been doing some digging, and I found where Mitsuhide has been hiding out..." She said softly.
"In a small abandoned temple just out skirting the town. It's still a ways into the desert though." She said. "If you're thinking of going there, I want to assist you."
Kojurou nodded, "Of course! We'll leave tomorrow!" He kissed her before snuffing his cigarette and moving inside to tell Masamune
Jingu sat there for another moment, staring down at her boots with a small frown. "Gomenasai..." She said weakly.
Kojurou rushed to see Masamune and relayed the information given to him. Masamune smirked, "Fantastic! We leave tomorrow!" "Hai!"
Jingu entered, a soft frown on her face. "I'll be heading to bed, we have a lot to do tomorrow." She murmured as she headed to the bedroom Kojurou shared with her.
Jingu entered the room, pulling her boots and pants off before getting into bed and closing her eyes, sorrow overwhelming her and making her sleep restlessly.
Jingu opened her eyes and looked to him, something unreadable flashing in her eyes momentarily. "Yeah?"
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