Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Megohime looked down at the floor. "You... Want to keep it?" She asked. "I thought you were gonna dump me on my ass."
Megohime seemed to relax a bit. "Thank you.." She said softly. "I'm only a month along... I found out yesterday.."
"Yeah..." She muttered... "I guess... We need to be more careful, huh?"

((Yeah they're not gonna be careful, are they~))

Megohime sat there awkwardly, rubbing her palms on her pants. Gods she was dumb, how could she have been so careless?
A small smirk curved her lips. "And I still expect something in return, upgrades for the gun I made you aren't cheap ya know~"
"I don't know, maybe~" She turned. "Or maybe I could just run up your bill and you can be in debt forever~?"
Megohime laughed softly and looked at him over her shoulder. "Pay me when you can, I don't really care." She said. "I'm gonna go back to my shop, I have something I wanna do."
Megohime smiled, but there was a small flicker in her eye. "I promise~" She said before leaving.
((What? ( ゚ Д゚)))

Megohime left the estate, running her hand through her hair. "Fuck I wish I could have some sake right about now."
((Indeed~~ Where is Kojurou~?))

Jingu kissed Kojurou softly, siting on his lap, still panting softly from their love making.
Jingu frowned softly but nodded. "Yeah... I don't want you to get in trouble with him and end up down here with me permanently, though I wouldn't mind~" She said, kissing him one last time before pulling away slowly.
Kojurou chuckled and pulled her back for another kiss before moving to redress, "I'll be back after I discuss freeing you with Masamune-sama.." He told her
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