Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Jingu stood and gathered her clothes, redressing and turning to watch Kojurou exit the cell and lock up. "Alright, I'll be here."
Kojurou nodded and left to go find Masamune. "You've grown attatched~ shame on you, Jingu-dono~" A familiar voice taunted from the shadows
Jingu stiffened and turned slowly, swallowing hard. "I have not become attached." She hissed quietly, even though she knew it was a complete lie.
Jingu's cheeks flushed dark red and she looked down at the ground. "Yes." She said quietly, not wanting to dwell on the fact that he had been watching them.
Jingu glared up at him. "I'm working the best I can, as you can see I can't really do much, I'm limited, I need more time." She muttered.
"Two weeks~ and that's being generous~ make haste, Jingu-dono, or it's your head I mount on my mantle~" And with that, he was gone
Jingu slowly sunk to the ground and ran her hands through her hair, closing her eyes and leaning her head back. "Fuck.." She hit the back of her head against the wall, clenching her jaw.
"You want me to free the assassin who tried killing you, lied about Mego, and hurt my dog so she can join up with us?" Masamune asked with a scowl. Kojurou made a face, "Well, when you put it that way, Masamune-sama, it sounds like a bad idea..." "Because it is!" Masamune hissed
Kojurou spent a near hour arguing with Masamune before he agreed, "She's your responsibilty." He stated. Kojurou nodded, "Hai. Arigatou." He stood quickly to tell Jingu the good news. "Kojurou." Kojurou stopped and looked back at his boss, "If she betrays us and tries killing you again, I'm putting a bullet in her brain." Masamune stated. Kojurou's heart dropped but he kept a straight face, nodding and leaving quickly
Jingu looked up when she heard someone coming down the stairs, and upon seeing it was Kojurou, she smiled softly.
Jingu stood up and exited the cell, finally free for the first time in a long time. "So I take it he agreed?"
"It's alright, I'm just glad to be out of there." She said softly and twined her fingers with his.
"I wouldn't mind sharing a room with you." She said, then Mitsuhide's voice echoed in her head and made her frown softly. "Two weeks~ and that's being generous~ make haste, Jingu-dono, or it's your head I mount on my mantle~"
Jingu shook her head, pulling a smile back on. "Nothing... It's nothing.." After a week, Jingu had pledged herself, body and soul, to Masamune and protecting him and whatever he asked of her. Jingu had stayed close to Kojurou most times, building on the trust they had started, but she was running out of time, she only had seven more days.
Jingu exited the house, toweling her hair dry after a shower. She moved to sit beside Kojurou, sighing softly. "Didn't know you smoked." She murmured, following his gaze up to the sky.
"Only when I need to relax.." He answered, exhaling smoke through his nose, "Masamune-sama hates, to get back at me, he drinks..."
Jingu blinked. "So he is not a pleasant drunk I take it..?" She asked, watching the end of his cigarette glow.
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